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Appeal to Halt the Planned Removal of the Cherokee People

Essay Instructions:

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From the passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830 until the Cherokee began the "Trail of Tears" in October, 1838, many members of the tribe sought to prevent the US government from forcing them to move from their ancestral home to new homes in the west.

Please write a 2 page essay from the perspective of a Cherokee who is writing a letter, appealing to the federal government to halt the planned removal. What arguments would they make to try to persuade officials to let them remain on their land? What fears did they have in moving?

If your essay is not written from the perspective of a Cherokee from the time period, it is a minimum 7 point deduction.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Appeal to Halt the Planned Removal of the Cherokee People

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Appeal to Halt the Planned Removal of the Cherokee People

[Your Name]


To the Honorable Members of the Federal Government,

I am not writing to represent any nation but as a Cherokee whose ancestors have lived and worked in this area for centuries. The Indian Removal Act of 1830 has cast a dark cloud over our future, and we fear for our lives. Please consider our plight and change the course we are on now, which is tragic. Our home is more than simply a piece of real estate; it is a sacred place filled with the stories of generations who have cared for it before us (Rečlová, 2019). As such, we beg you to comprehend the fundamental connection that binds us to this land, which is more than just a patch of dirt to us.

Economic reasons and the pursuit of "progress" are two examples that we recognize as justifications for our extermination. But we implore you to think about the underlying evils of this forced relocation. First, we point to the greatness of this country and the principles of democracy and human rights that it upholds 

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