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Portfolio Project Assignment Paper: Anne Hutchinson

Essay Instructions:

For the final Portfolio Project you will either write a paper or create a presentation about an event that took place during a period of U.S. history to Reconstruction. This will be written or created from the perspective of an influential, yet under-represented, person during the time. You should review the project instructions under Module 8 folder, and be thinking about a topic for your work. This week, you will post your topic in Module 2 – Portfolio Project Topic.
Option 1
For the final Portfolio Project, write a paper about an event in the period of U.S. history up to the era of Reconstruction. This paper must illustrate the perspectives of a specific person or group of people (e.g. freed slaves) within a historically marginalized population. For the purpose of this assignment, we define historically marginalized as people whose perspectives have not been represented in history texts until very recently. Discuss the person's or group's era and experiences in context of what was happening around them, prioritizing their experience rather than the established narratives of the dominant experience. Possible perspectives include those of Anne Hutchinson, Pocahontas, or Sojourner Truth.
This paper must include a discussion of the following topics:
A thorough summary of the event, including the incidents that took place and the key individuals involved
The importance of the event in the larger scope of U.S. history
How the event changed the daily life of the person from whose perspective you are writing
A prediction for how the event will make a long-term impact in the lives of those in the under-represented group from which the perspective is being written (keep in mind that this perspective should be written from the time at which the event took place).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Portfolio Project: Anne Hutchinson
Course Title:
Portfolio Project: Anne Hutchinson
The most notable event that happened to Ann Hutchinson is her trial as well as interrogation before the Newtown’s General Court in the year 1637 (Brechner, 2011). Hutchinson, a midwife and religious leader, was born in England but later on followed John Cotton, a Puritan leader of the then Massachusetts Bay Colony. She held biweekly religious meetings aimed at championing the spirit-centered theology of Cotton and John Wheelwright her brother-in-law, as the true Christian ministers (Brechner, 2011). In general, she was largely questioning the so-called Puritan doctrine and this culminated to the 1636 Antinomian Controversy (Medlibrary, 2016). As a result, her opposition to the religious practices prompted the General Court to file charges against her and she was eventually banished from staying in the colony.
The event served as a milestone in the realizat...
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