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An Analysis of U.S. Imperalism

Essay Instructions:

This is an exam essay from a US history course.

Grading Rubric:

grade will be based on the following:

40% facts: This means that you are demonstrating that you understand the content within the documents. It also means that you are presenting accurate facts from history, i.e. the events surrounding the time in which the document was created. These facts should come from your textbook or from lectures.

40% analysis: This means that you have a thesis (argument). You can find out how to write a thesis within COURSE MATERIALS there is a page titled "writing a thesis". It also means that in addition to presenting facts, you are explaining what is historically significant about the person, place, event. To figure out historical significance, ask yourself, "Is this fact an example of similar processes going on at the time?" or "What were the immediate consequences of this fact?" or "Are there any parallels to today or long-term consequences?"

20% organization: This means that each paragraph has a purpose to present evidence in support of your original argument. It also means that your essay has a logical flow. Finally, there should not be an overwhelming amount of grammatical errors that distract from being able to read your essay.

Detailed Requirements:

Platt Amendment link:


This page is the transcript of the Platt Amendment. Write an analysis of this primary source. Things to consider:

1. What are the key provisions of the Platt Amendment?

2. How does the Platt Amendment benefit the U.S.? Does it benefit Cuba?

3. What is going on with U.S. foreign affairs at the time that this amendment was developed?

4. What are the consequences of this Amendment?

*Review the U.S. Imperialism lecture and Ch. 19 of the American Yawp to help you address these questions.

This is the link of the Chapter 19:


link for lecture:


Essay Sample Content Preview:

An Analysis of U.S. Imperialism
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
An Analysis of U.S. Imperialism
What are the key provisions of the Platt Amendment?
The Platt Amendment provisions included: (a) that the Cuban government should not enter into any agreement with other foreign powers or power that will impair or inclined to undermine their independence, (b) that said government should not contract or assume any public debt that would make the island’s current expenditures inadequate, (c) that the Cuban government consents to United States (U.S.) interventions to preserve its jurisdictional independence, (d) that all U.S. Acts within Cuba during its military presence therefore are validated and ratified and all lawful rights obtained therein should be protected and maintained, (e) that the Cuban government will implement and where necessary extend the already devised programs or other programs mutually consented for the Island cities’ sanitation to prevent infectious diseases and epidemic recurrence, (f) that the Isle of Pines should be left out from the Cuban proposed constitutional boundaries, (g) that to facilitate the U.S. to sustain the Cuba’s independence and protect its people, and (h) that through further assurance the Cuban government will represent the said provisions within a permanent treaty with the U.S. (Ourdocuments.gov, n.d.).
How does the Platt Amendment benefit the U.S.? Does it benefit Cuba?
Accordingly, the Platt Amendment was beneficial to the U.S. since it gave them the right to approve Cuba’s treaties, intervene in Cuban matters, and the right to lease land in Guantanamo. The policy expanded American influence and imperialism in the Western Hemisphere (Lecture Notes, n.d.). It ensured U.S. supremacy over the purposefully valuable Western Hemisphere. The treaty was beneficial to Cuba since it led to the end of Spanish oppression. The treaty guaranteed Cuba’s self-governance and independence. However, these benefits are exaggerated as they depicted the Latin American people are oppressed before the Americans ‘rescued” them and turned them into suc...
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