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Describe And Compare American Military Models: Analyze Changing Policies

Essay Instructions:

The final paragraph from For the Common Defense Introduction (xiv) says:

“Americans have had a peculiar ambivalence toward war. They have traditionally and sincerely viewed themselves as a peaceful, unmilitaristic people, and yet they have hardly been unwarlike. Statistics alone testify to the pervasive presence of war in the nation's history, for tens of millions of Americans have served in wartime and more than a million have died in uniform. Understanding both this paradoxical love-hate attitude toward war and the relationship among military institutions, war, and society is essential in comprehending America's past, its present, and, perhaps, its future.”


Interpret and analyze the “American way of war”

Describe and compare American military models

Analyze changing American military policies and goals

Examine American military use of technology

Analyze American relationship with, preparation for, and application of war

Use each of the five Core Learning Outcomes to address the issues highlighted in the final introductory paragraph ofFor the Common Defense. What evidence from our readings suggests that Americans consider themselves essentially peaceful? What evidence shows Americans as warlike? Explain this paradoxical love-hate attitude toward war and how this relationship is reflected in America's military history. Finally, why is understanding this important?

This analytical core assessment essay should be:

Double-spaced, font size of 10-12, Times New Roman.

Citations in proper Chicago Style for History Majors OR MLA or APA Style for non-History Majors.

Use margins of one-inch on all four sides

Contain a proper page header with numbered pages.

Length: 1,000 to 1,500 words (approximately 4 to 6 pages).

Include an abstract of 40-60 words.

Include an introduction paragraph with a clear statement of thesis or purpose, and a conclusion paragraph that reiterates your key points.

Be placed as a Word or rtf document by midnight on Sunday of Unit 6.

Papers will be evaluated for both content (evidence and argument) and style of presentation. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

Due at the end of Unit 6

Conclusion (10 points): conclusion paragraph that reiterates key points

Abstract (10 points): The abstract should be 40-60 words in length.

Thesis Statement (10 points): introduction with clear thesis statement

Your Analysis (50 points):

America's paradoxical love-hate relationship with war

How this relationship influences American warfare

Writing Mechanics (20 points):

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling, Length, Paper format, Chicago Style OR MLA Style for non-History Majors

Communication Skills covered by these "writing mechanics" are part of the class rubric - see the course syllabus. This is also important to the discipline of History so that you can clearly convey your ideas to your reader. Keep in mind, however, that the large majority of the paper's point value (80%), is based on the content.

Total Possible: 100 points

Essay Sample Content Preview:

American Military History
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
American Military History
The phrase “the American way of war” was first used by Russell Weigley who was famous for writing about the history of the U.S. army. He used this phrase in the book he published to refer to an attrition strategy that was common among the American army whose aim was to defeat the Germans in 1918. Moreover, the Americans aimed at pulverizing the main cities in both Japan and Germany so as to make them to surrender. Furthermore, the military strategy used by the U.S. was applied during the Civil war and the two world wars. Experts believe that the strategy was not fundamentally unique because of its technical style, but by the size of U.S. army (Millett, Maslowski & Feis, 2012). The U.S. utilized its destructive power and mobilized its army that was made up of both citizens and army personnel who were both subjected to huge suffering and also inflicted damage to their opponents. This paper analyzes the American way of war, military models and policies, as well as how the country has historically participated in war.
The American military strategy is characterized by similar methods like those used in the conflicts that took place against Vietnam and Korea, with the first one being a bloody affair and the latter being an expensive draw. However, the successful conflict was the first Gulf War, and it most used the traditional mode where the military relied on a huge amount of firepower. The conflict was composed of more than 35 days constant bombing accompanied with the major military conflict. In Iraq, the 8-division allied force was massively heavy such that it aimed at slaughtering every object. Just like other generalization, Millett, Maslowski and Feis (2012) say that the U.S. military strategy requires some qualifications. This is because certain generals like George S. Patton and Stonewall Jackson tended to favor dazzling maneuvers instead of frontal assaults that were costly.
America also fought numerous other “small wars” which were conducted in a more modest manner. Nevertheless, the main plan used by the U.S. army and its strategies bigger conflicts has always managed to transform and enhance its powers (Millett, Maslowski & Feis, 2012). The military models are also based on heavy artillery that aims at attaining “crushing” military victory. Analyzing how the war was thought about and its practices, starting from personalities such as Robert McNamara and George Washington, the U.S. strategy was aimed at attaining a crushing military victory. The main strategy against an adversary is to either kill the enemy or contribute towards attrition. Furthermore, the politicians as well as the army personnel believed that total destruction of the opponent’s army and occupying the capital city would signify a win for the U.S. military and the start of negotiation processes that occur after the war.
Unlike other European countries, the U.S. considers war as another alternative to be used instead of bargaining.
Research studies have shown that the United States strategies of going to war can be summarized as a battle and not a war. This interpretation was introduced by Weigley who argued that a huge proportion of criticism was highly against the American way of going to war. Max Boot also argued that Am...
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