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Workplace Bullying and the Appropriate Code of Conduct in the Workplace

Essay Instructions:

Workplace Bullying

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

Discuss the concepts of ethics and its application to healthcare organizations.

Integrate ethical considerations when marketing health care.

Apply general principles of management in the administration of health information services.

Facilitate fundamental leadership skills.

Course outcome(s) practiced in this Assignment:

HS230-4: Explore a solution to a legal and ethical challenge by using a strategic leadership approach appropriate for health care organizations.

In this scenario, you are a healthcare manager of a large acute care facility. A direct employee that is a member of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual (LGBTQIA) community has approached you indicating that they are experiencing bullying from one particular co-worker. You have met with both employees and referred the case to human resources after confirming the allegation of bullying. Human Resources confirmed that there was a policy in place for workplace bullying, but it is outdated. You have been tasked with creating a new policy for the facility. The policy must be aligned with state and federal laws and will require evaluation of both. This is a two-part assignment.

Part 1:

You will determine and justify the leadership skills that will be required when meeting with both employees. In a word document, identify and detail a minimum of four skills necessary pertinent to managing conflict, and in particular, workplace bullying. You may include skills such as active listening, empathy, equity and inclusion, written and verbal communications, coaching, empowerment, or other qualities and skills found through research or in your reading.

Part 2:

Federal and State regulations drive policies to address issues such as harassment or bullying in the workplace. Begin this assignment by reviewing the OSHA Act of 1970 and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 found in your reading assignment for this unit. Based upon your reading and knowledge of workplace bullying, you will create a policy recommendation on Workplace Bullying.


The recommended policy must include the following:

Explanation of workplace bullying

Appropriate code of conduct in the workplace

Inclusion of examples of disruptive and inappropriate behavior for your facility

Explicit remediation actions for those that violate the policy

Detail a minimum of four leadership skills incorporated when dealing with the employees.

Combine parts 1 and 2 and submit the assignment in a Word Document that follows APA guidelines. In text citations should be included where appropriate. A title and reference page should also be included.

The policy guide should be double spaced and in a 12-point Times New Roman font.

The assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling).

The writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.

Use of at least four outside resources that validate the new policy including applicable state and federal laws. These sources should be listed on the reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workplace Bullying



Course Code and Title



Workplace Bullying

Workplace bullying significantly abuses power and negatively affects the health and well-being of the victim and the organization. Bullying can lead to increased staff turnover, reduced morale at work, decreased team productivity, and mental health complications for the victims (Rayner & Lewis, 2020). Leaders have a significant role to play in addressing workplace bullying.

Part One: Leadership Skills

Leaders must portray various skills to deal with conflict effectively when managing workplace bullying. One of these skills is effective communication. When meeting with both employees, the leader should be willing to listen to each of them and motivate them to speak out all of their concerns without fear of judgment (Rayner & Lewis, 2020). The leader should encourage openness and honesty as they all talk about the bullying incidents and concerns.

Leaders also need to portray empathy. When meeting with the employees, the leader should place themselves in their shoes and hear them out. Additionally, the leader should listen to them attentively, show understanding of their emotions, and demonstrate compassion. By being 

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