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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Workforce Shortage Healthcare Organizational Occupational Turnover

Essay Instructions:

There were several different reasons for workforce shortages. You as a healthcare professional, need to identify these reasons for the workforce shortages.

Please list the top three reasons you believe that there is a shortage and write a 1,500-1,750-word essay detailing your reasons. Remember to specifically address the following in your reasoning:

Consider some short-term solutions.

Consider some long-term solutions.

Identify a special interest group or government agency that would help you write policy to solve the problem.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Workforce Shortage in the Healthcare
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Institutional Affiliation
The current trend shows that the health sector is facing a shortage of workforce. Therefore, if an action is not taken to reduce this shortage, then this will become a crisis because people keep on getting sick, hence requiring the attention of medical practitioners. There are various reasons as to why the health centers are having a shortage of workforce and solutions to ensure that the shortage is reduced.
Organizational and occupational Turnover
The main reason as to why health centers are having a shortage of workforce is the issue of both organizational and occupational turnover in nursing careers. In regard to the organizational turnover, health centers are laying off some of the workers due to various reasons. For instance, the health care centers might be lacking sufficient funds to pay many medical practitioners and still cater to the equipment required to attend to the patients. Therefore, this means that there will be few nurses to attend to the rising number of patients. As well, a health center might decide to lay off some of its employees as a result of having a few patients over a given period of time. After the layoff, the health center begins to receive more patients as compared to the earlier situation. This results in the shortage of nurses (Snavely, 2016). As well, the employee turnover is also caused by the resignation of some of the nurses. The main reasons as to why some nurses may resign are the case of an unconducive working environment. For instance, research shows that novice nurses face a lot of bullying from the senior nurse. They are forced to carry out procedures that they do have sufficient experience in doing them. This results in a poor quality of the care accorded to the patients. The pressure if the novice nurses not being able to attend to their patients well has resulted in a huge turnover. The nursing career is all about getting the satisfaction of healing a patient. Therefore, if that satisfaction is not present, the nurse is demoralized about going to work. In addition, the private sector in the health care system has become the most promising business for medical practitioners to major in. As a result, most of the public nurses and doctors end up resigning from their workplace to begin their clinics. The clinics promise them a better pay as compared to what they are being paid in the public sector. In regard to the occupational turnover, most of the nurses are worried that the existing shortage will put a lot of pressure on them to attend to a lot of clients beyond their capacity. This pressure is already leading to most of the nurses quitting the career and taking a different career path in life.
Among the short-term solutions to the organizational turnover is for the management to come up with policies that ensure that the nurses have a conducive work environment. An environment that is free from bullying will keep the nurses motivated about reporting to work the following day. To ensure this, rules have to be set to clarify the roles of the novice nurses. Also, the senior nurses should be given strict orders against the issue of delegating procedures to the novice nurses. Instead, they should perform the procedures with the help of the novice nurses so that they can also learn how to attend to different patients. As a result, this will ensure that the health centers are full of qualified and experienced nurse hence reducing the rates of resignations and ensuring that there is no nursing shortage.
As well, the long-term solution will be seeking institutions that will pay a substantial role in financing the activities of the hospitals. Having adequate finances will ensure that the hospital is able to increase the wages of the medical practitioners. The reason as to why some of them prefer the private sector is because of the higher income they get as compared to the public sector. Therefore, increasing their wages will reduce their chances of moving to the private sector and in turn, reduce the nursing shortage. As well, the health centers will also be able to afford new medical practitioners while being able to maintain the hospital equipment necessary for quality patient healthcare.
Faculty Shortage
Faculty shortages is another trend that is highly contributing to the rising levels of the shortage of medical practitioners. Most of the colleges are not admitting a lot of students in the healthcare department, and this means that a few are being released in the market each year (Rosseter, 2014). Given the substantial increase in the number of hospitals and patients, more new nurses will be required to fill the gaps created. Therefore, this becomes a great challenge because there is no...
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