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Coping Skills - Assignment: Women's Health and Managing Stress

Essay Instructions:

Grading Rubric: Coping Skills Assignment
Women’s Health: Managing Stress
Your essay will be 2 complete pages in your original thought. Be aware that if your work is copied from another source, it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero. Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper. Select one topic from the textbook on stress or select your own topic. This topic will be a source of stress experienced by women such as illness, life events, multiple roles, financial, or others. You will develop one source of stress women experience, measures they can use to manage the stress and the physical and emotional strain it can have on the body and one’s lifestyle. What positive steps can women incorporate when she experiences stress? Please write your paper in APA format. An abstract is not needed.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Describes the health issue, consequences and/or treatments 40 
Explains the subject importance to women’s health (3-4 sentences) 10
Describe the impact the subject had on you (at least 5 sentences with examples) 20
Uses correct medical vocabulary (at least 4 words) relevant to topic 12
Correct and proper grammar used. No spelling errors 8 
Referenced at least 3 website sources 9
• References will not be counted as part of the “page report” and will be listed on a separate page. Your written report will be 2 complete pages in length.
• Medical vocabulary: terms used in a proper and professional manner. For example: Clinical Anxiety Disorders, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can occur in several situations such as……

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women’s Health, Managing Stress
Women’s Health, Managing Stress
Stress can be defined as the response an organism exhibits to environmental pressures or demands. In humans, stress is an external response that can be measured through changes in physical functions, skin reactions, and glandular secretions. Stress has some causes such as events considered as threats, in some; it is genetic, childhood traumatic grief, and terrorist threats. The above causes can affect just about anyone. However, it has been proved that women who dwell much on small stressors instead of allowing the problems to roll off their backs are always more likely to experience increased chronic health problems in the future. The most common symptoms include pain, gastrointestinal problems, and cardiovascular disease. This essay looks at the various ways through which stress impacts women’s bodies, as well as an analysis of measures women, can take to prevent themselves from experiencing stress.
Stress is commonly known to affect one’s memory and cognitive performance such that one tends to forget day-to-day happenings and hence perform even worse on cognitive tasks. The ability of a woman to perform a simple task is reduced to that of a six-year-old according to Professor David Almeida of the Penn State University. According to research by scientists, stress is likely to leave lasting damage spanning for over a decade. Based on Almeida’s theories, women experience an increase in cortisol in the face of upsetting stressors (Beck, et.al. 2011, p. 219). Strikes in the cortisol in turn cause one’s heart rate to increase thereby making one’s cardiovascular system work extra harder. Also, when people start experiencing stress, they are less likely to continue engaging in regular activities that improve their health such as exercising and eating healthy.
To manage stress, one can easily begin by laughing it off. Everyone who experiences stress, including women can improve their men...
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