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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Women and Tobacco: Describes Health Issues, Consequences and Risks

Essay Instructions:

Women’s Health: Chapters 12, 13
Your essay will be 2 complete pages in your original thought. Be aware that if your work is copied from another source, it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero. Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper. Select one topic from the textbook from chapter 12 or 13. This topic will be an unhealthy habit chosen and you will write about the habit, statistics which are associated with the negative habit, how women are affected by the negative habit, what health risks are known if someone partakes in the habit, and how you will counsel a client/patient coming to see you on a professional level who has this habit. What type of plan can you develop to help her eliminate the habit and form positive ways to reduce the stress she feels as she is trying to substitute a healthy habit instead of the one which puts her at risk.
Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Describes the health issue, consequences and risks 40 
Describe statistics associated with unhealthy habit 6
Explains counseling to help the client in depth 45
Referenced at least 3 website sources 9
• References will not be counted as part of the “page report” and will be listed on a separate page. Your written report will be 2 complete pages in length.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women and Tobacco
Women are subject to tobacco either as smokers or passive smokers, those who are nonsmoker are also at the risk of health effects, women assume a higher possibility of suffering more health consequences resulting from tobacco smoking than their male counterparts Brucker and King (2009).According to (World Health Organization, 2015) statistics twenty percent of women in developed countries and nine percent in developing countries consume tobacco. One of the effect tobacco has to women regards their reproduction, according to Brucker and King (2009) it affects the women fertility, pregnancy, birth outcomes and breastfeeding. In relation to effects of smoking on women reproduction, the authors states that 11% of women smoke during pregnancy.
Women who abandon smoking during pregnancy decrease the risk of exposure to the reproductive complications by fifty two percent Brucker and King (2009). It affects lactation among women by reducing basal prolactin which has adverse effect on the nutritional quality of milk during breast feeding Pregler and DeCherney (2002). Where women are passive smokers they are at risk of environmental exposure to smoking and the adverse effects include respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis and lung dysfunction Brucker and King (2009).
Tobacco is associated with about thirty percent of cervical cancer, further it has been reported that thirty seven percent of deaths are cervical cancer related among women, it has therefore been considered as among others a cause of cervical cancer Pregler and DeCherney (2002), The hormonal difference between men and women also contribute to the effects of tobacco in them, hormonal factors expose women to the risk...
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