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Women and Alcohol: Consequences and Risks

Essay Instructions:

Your essay will be 2 complete pages. Organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper. Select one topic from the textbook from chapter 12 or 13. This topic will be an unhealthy habit chosen and you will write about the habit, statistics which are associated with the negative habit, how women are affected by the negative habit, what health risks are known if someone partakes in the habit, and how you will counsel a client/patient coming to see you on a professional level who has this habit. What type of plan can you develop to help her eliminate the habit and form positive ways to reduce the stress she feels as she is trying to substitute a healthy habit instead of the one which puts her at risk. Do NOT include information about yourself

Grading Criteria Maximum Points

Describes the health issue, consequences and risks 40

Describe statistics associated with unhealthy habit 6

Explains counseling to help the client in depth 45

Referenced at least 3 website sources 9

• References will not be counted as part of the “page report” and will be listed on a separate page. Your written report will be 2 complete pages in length. Keep in mind to focus on the two highest point values for this assignment and make sure to provide expanded examples and depth. Do not submit the paper to include your name, my name or course on your paper.

Additional info from the client:

Textbook Information: Contemporary Women’s Health: Issues for Today and the Future, 5th edition, by Cheryl Kolander & Danny Ramsey Ballard. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-8028540. Copyright 2014

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Women and Alcohol
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Women and Alcohol
For thousands of years, humans have used alcohol, a very intoxicating and dangerous substance. Between 1100 B.C. and A.D. 1400, early texts on alcohol consumption may be discovered in the Hebrew language, Egyptian inscriptions, and Chinese legislation allowing or prohibiting the drinking of wine. Alcohol is a substance of choice for modern Americans for various goals and reasons. Alcohol-related disorders cost society around $223 billion annually in economic terms, but the human toll is unfathomable. Consumption of alcoholic beverages results in decreased employee productivity, higher health care costs, and an overburdening of the criminal justice system. Conflicting and ambiguous societal views around women's alcohol usage have existed (Kolander et al., 2014). Women were prohibited from drinking alcoholic drinks under Roman law due to the belief that they would become violent and promiscuous. Alcohol is absorbed through the stomach, where about 20% is taken directly into the circulation, and the small intestine, where approximately 80% is absorbed and distributed throughout the body (Kolander et al., 2014). Drinking more quickly typically results in a greater blood alcohol level due to the increased absorption of alcohol.
Statistics associated with alcohol drinking in women
According to Kolander et al. (2014), one in three adults, or nearly 131 million individuals, reported consuming alcohol before the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). More than two-thirds reported binge drinking in the past 30 days. More than half of those above the age of 12 reported excessive drinking. Forty-six percent of females over the age of 12 revealed being current drinkers; among women between the ages of 18 and 25, of which 57 percent were reported to be drinking during the past month compared to 65 percent of males who reported being current drinkers. – Seventy-percent of the drinking population consumes just 20 percent of all alcoholic drinks (Kolander et al., 2014). 30% of persons who drink are heavy drinkers or alcoholics who consume the remaining 80% of alcoholic drinks (Addila et al. 2020).
How women are affected by alcohol consumption
Hormonal effects
Abusing alcohol for a long time may have significant and even life-threatening consequences on the body. It may have serious implications, such as disrupting the correct functioning of the chemicals known as hormones that govern and coordinate the activity of all tissues and organs (Addila et al. 2020). A variety of ...
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