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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Whole and Processed Foods, Transformation, and Sustainable Farming

Essay Instructions:

This project will require you to synthesize the concepts of culinary science, phytochemicals, whole foods and the relationship of these topics to the prevention, treatment or on-set of chronic disease. Specific details will be forthcoming, stay tuned...

THE FORMAT: The final project can be in any form that is “uploadable.” I suspect that many of you will choose to write a paper, but some may choose to do a powerpoint (with detailed notes or narration), a webpage, a video, or something else “uploadable” which is not mentioned here. I am not a page or word counter in the sense that I want you to have enough space to do a good job. That said, I want it to be less than 6 pages (normal font and spacing) total, if it is text. (NOTE: For those brave souls who attempt something other than a traditional paper, page limits do not make sense. Use your best judgment when designing and implementing your project.)
THE PROJECT: Students purchase three "whole foods" from a local market ... one fruit or vegetable, one grain (bread, cereal, oats, pasta, etc.), and one meat item (or meat replacer, if you are a vegetarian). Then, go to a "regular" supermarket and purchase a "processed food" that is made with the same food that you bought from the market. For three consecutive days, create a dish with your whole food using a recipe that is similar to the processed food and consume them at the same time.

Example: Day 1, brown rice and beans vs frozen rice bowl with brown rice and beans; Day 2, chicken, fresh chicken fajitas versus frozen chicken fajitas; Day 3, tomato, salsa prepared with fresh tomato vs canned salsa.

First, describe the differences between the “whole food” items and the “processed food” items. Consider taste and flavor, texture, color, nutritional value, etc. (1-2 pages)
Next, address “the new healthy you.” Talk about any transformations in your perception about food and your diet that may have materialized because of the information gained in this class. This section is personalized to you and your choices about maintaining or gaining a healthier life style. Please address this question: Has the class caused you to appreciate new foods or the idea of specialized diets as a way to maintain health? (1-2 pages) NOTE: Be authentic here, if you already were a healthy eater and the materials in this course reinforced your dietary choices, say so. If you have not changed your diet much, say that. Be honest, but think about the materials that were presented in the course in the context of your life.
Lastly, deal with a contemporary topic related to information discussed in the movies or presented in the class. Topics can include anything from food policy, world health, organic foods, farming practices, chronic disease, etc. Please pick any topic of interest to you. This project is exploratory in nature, so find something and learn about it. Make reference to material covered in class plus at least two external sources. (1-3 pages)

Watch 'What the Health' (2017), Kip Anderson available on Netflix and and at http://www(dot)whatthehealthfilm(dot)com/.
Watch 'In Defense of Food' (2015), Michael Schwarz. Available on Netflix and http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/food/shows/in-defense-of-food/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food Wellness Promotion
Institutional Affiliation
Food Wellness Promotion
In the modern world where obesity and poor health has become a chronic problem for millions of adults, it is important to promote proper and healthy eating habits that not only improve the health of the individuals in question but which also guarantee the attainment of food wellness. To this end, it becomes quite clear that realizing food wellness is essential to living a happy and healthy life. By engaging in healthy eating habits, consuming whole and organic products, and changing individual perceptions about food and eating habits, we can push ourselves to live lives that are inextricably linked with food wellness, much to our own benefit.
Whole Foods and Processed Foods
One of the core elements of promoting food wellness is the consumption of whole foods as opposed to processed foods. Whole foods have always been considered the hallmark of healthy eating, seeing as they have been found to provide better nutritional value to consumers as opposed to processed foods (Henry, 2012). Along the same line, whole and organic foods that are purchased fresh from local producers have less or zero amounts of chemicals compared to processed foods that are packed and stored away in the freezer sections of grocery stores. This essentially makes them not only a better and healthier option but also one that provides better nutritional value and taste to consumers.
After preparing two meals every day (one from processed foods and one from whole foods) for a period of three days, it became abundantly clear that whole foods are exponentially better than processed foods. The meals prepared from whole foods were always richer and more refined in terms of their flavor, and particularly so without needing to add any additional condiments or spices. These whole foods embodied their natural flavors and tastes, which were not only well-refined but also distinctly diverse in nature. As such, every meal was in itself an adventure of flavor, and texture, as each food component appeared to embody its own uniqueness even after being prepared into a single meal (Henry, 2012). It is also worth noting that whole foods were consistently appealing in terms of color, seeing as many of the whole food items prepared seemed to retain vibrant color after cooking, which resulted in a colorful, appetizing, and visually enchanting meal. These meals were, without doubt, the most enjoyable, and although it is difficult to prove, they seemed to keep me energized for longer periods compared to processed foods (Crowe & Francis, 2013).
Insofar as processed foods are concerned, I must admit that the meals prepared from these kinds of foods were extremely underwhelming. First off, many of the processed foods came already packed into containers or cans and with simple instructions on how to prepare them. Unfortunately, the simplicity and ease of preparation were the only benefits that I identified for processed foods over whole foods. Insofar as all other relevant parameters are concerned, these processed foods fell on either extremes of the spectrum insofar as flavor, taste, or color are concerned. Some foods were either extremely bland or overpoweringly flavored. This made it impossible to attain a balance and harmony of flavor, color, and texture with processed foods (Henry, 2012). This severely hindered my ability to enjoy the meals prepared from processed and frozen foods, seeing as I had to constantly add seasoning to bland-tasting food or consume large amounts of water to help overcome the overwhelming flavors of over-seasoned frozen foods. In essence, this experience demonstrated the importance of going the extra mile to always prepare fresh and whole foods sourced from local producers. These kinds of foods were not only enjoyable to eat, but also had lesser amounts of chemicals compared to processed foods, which made them much healthier options.
Personal Transformation and Perceptions
As far as this class is concerned, I must admit that it has greatly influenced my perceptions and understandings of food, and what it means to have healthy eating practices. Al my life, I cannot consider myself as having been an extremely healthy eater. While I did consume my fair share of vegetables, I always believed that said servings of vegetables were as healthy as I could eat. To this end, I often enjoyed treating myself to relatively unhealthy food choices, with a particular preference for fast food. The fact that I always accompanied said fast food with a fruit or other healthy vegetables served to assuage my fears that I was engaged in unhealthy eating practices. In reality, this cause has broadened my horizons insofar as healthy eating habits and food wellness are concerned. I am now not only more aware of the benefits of consuming whole foods consistently, I also understand the dangers of relying on a staple diet of processed foods, and how said foods can negatively impact my health (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2015). This increased level of awareness has proven quintessential to my reformation insofar as eating is concerned. All the same, it would be hypocritical of me to suggest that I have undergone a full paradigm shift in my perceptions of food. I still believe that enjoying occasional fast ...
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