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What Health Disparity is the Article Highlighting?

Essay Instructions:

Article Critique


Directions: For this assignment, you will select and critique one article from a popular media source (e.g., newspaper, magazine, news journal, etc.) that provides information regarding a health disparity within a population group and complete the questions below. Please make sure to use complete sentences when answering each question. Make sure the health disparity is different from your research assignment. In addition, the article must have been published within the last 2 years.


1)      Provide the article reference and link. (1point)



2)      What health disparity is the article highlighting? (1point)



3)      Why is this information newsworthy? How would it benefit the public health community? (3 points)



4)      What causes and factors contributed to the health disparity? (2 points)



5)      How does the health disparity affect health outcomes? (3 points)



6)      Does the article make any recommendations or suggest resources that could benefit the public? If not, what suggestions or recommendations would you suggest? (2 points)



7)      Was the article well-written? Justify your rationale? (3 points)



8)      Did it include all pertinent information? Justify your rationale? (2 points)



9)      Was there information or a perspective that the article should have included? If so, what? What else would you have like to have seen? (3 points)



Score calculation:  Total earned   / 20 x 10 =

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Article critique
Provide the article reference and link.
Brown, E. (2014). Study: Poor people with diabetes 10 times more likely to lose limb. Latimes.com. Retrieved 4 May 2015, from  HYPERLINK "/local/lanow/la-me-ln-diabetes-amputations-20140804-story.html" /local/lanow/la-me-ln-diabetes-amputations-20140804-story.html
What health disparity is the article highlighting?
This article highlights on the abnormally high rates of amputations among the poor residents of Los Angeles who suffer from diabetes compared to their wealthier counterparts. Even though, the amputations are preventable, the inaccessibility of health care services and information means that poor neighborhoods suffer disproportionately from diabetes complications.
Why is this information newsworthy? How would it benefit the public health community?
Even though, foot complications are typically the main reason as to why amputations are carried out among diabetics, interventions can reduce the rates. Focusing on foot examinations for diabetic patients who come from poorer areas has the potential to reduce the rates amputations. Nonetheless, since the problem of inadequate healthcare provision is a risk factor towards increasing foot complications, health practitioners are left in a dilemma on how to improve health care service provision even to those who have no health insurance coverage. Even when foot examinations might not be effective, medical examinations highlight on the likelihood that high-risk conditions would occur.
What causes and factors contributed to the health disparity? (2 points)
Brown (2014), highlights on inaccessibility of primary health care and challenges in understanding how to manage diabetes as the main causes for the health disparity. Since the condition is preventable when there is control of lipid levels, blood sugar and other health complications, the patients may be better placed to manage the condition (Brown, 2014). It is also likely that the affected people are vulnerable populations, who suffer other difficult health realities.
How does the health disparity affect health outcomes?
The health outcomes indicate the impact of uncontrolled diabetes on the general well being of individuals, meaning that it is likely that it can help to identify other health risks to diabetic patients. This is especially the risk of ulcers which typically precedes amputations, while exerting foot pressure is associated with increased risk of foot ulcers. As such, those who suffer amputations are in a worse off position, as they will also suffer from low mobility while alsolacking adequate health information to manage the condition. There is increased mortality from diabetes related complications among the poor residents of Los Angeles, given that they are less likely to seek medical attention early on.
Does the article make any recommendations or suggest resources that could benefit the public...
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