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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health and Wellness Patient Letter

Essay Instructions:

AH1011 Fall, 2017 Health and Wellness Patient Letter 1: Clinical Procedures and Applications II Health and Wellness Patient Letter MAERB Competencies: Cognitive/Affective/Psychomotor IV.C.3. Identify the special dietary needs for: a. weight control, b. diabetes, c. cardiovascular disease, d. hypertension, e. cancer, f. lactose sensitivity, g. gluten-free, h. food allergies (BL3) IV.P.1. Instruct a patient according to patient's special dietary need (BL3) IV.A.1. Show awareness of patient's concern regarding a dietary change (BL3) V.P. 4 Coach patient regarding a. office policies, b. health maintenance, c. disease prevention, d. treatment plan. (BL3) Objectives: 1. Inform the patients regarding office policies. 2. Provide instruction to the patients for health maintenance and disease prevention. 3. Educate patients regarding treatment plan. 4. Instruct a patient according to patient's special dietary need. 5. Show awareness of patient's concern regarding a dietary change. 6. Coach patients regarding: a. office policies, b. health maintenance, c. disease prevention, d. treatment plan 7. Identify the special dietary needs for controlling obesity/weight control, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases including hypertension. 8. Identify the dietary requirement for special conditions such as cancer, lactose sensitivity, glutenfree diet and food allergies. Competency: Instruct Individuals According to their Needs Provide Instruction for Health Maintenance Assignment: For this assignment, students may use the health and wellness topic researched in Clinical Procedures and Applications I to complete this assignment or may research another health and wellness topic appropriate to culturally diverse populations. Research can be through the Internet as well as through informational brochures that may be found at medical facilities. The ‘Health and Wellness patient Letter’ should reflects the objectives mentioned above. (IV.P.1), (IV.A.1), (V.P.4) Topics may include but are not limited to:  Nutrition and diet therapies. (IV.C.3)  Dietary Supplements and its Functions for health maintenance. (IV.C.3)  Exercise and weight control. (IV.C.3)  Alcohol and drug abuse treatment and prevention  Smoking cessation  Stress reduction  Lifestyle changes for a cancer patient  Menopause  Lifestyle changes for a cardiac patient. (IV.C.3)  Lifestyle changes for a diabetic patient. (IV.C.3) AH1011 Fall, 2017 Health and Wellness Patient Letter 2  Special dietary requirement in controlling condition like (Pick any one) (IV.C.3) a. Weight control b. Diabetes Mellitus c. Hypertension d. Lactose sensitivity e. Gluten free diet f. Food allergies Timetable for Report: Week 1 Students begin researching a topic or may use the same topic from Clinical and Applications I Week 2 Students present the new or old topic to the instructor for approval. If using an old topic, bring in previous report for instructor to approve. Weeks 3-6 Students continue research on a new topic or begin drafting the patient letter on an old topic. See below on format for patient letter. Week 7 First draft of patient letter due to instructor. Patient letter must follow block-style letter formats, must be typed, and written in standard English with no grammatical or punctuation errors. All letters must be signed by you, the Medical Assistant. Week 12 Final Letter Draft Due Format for the Patient Letter You are writing a letter to a patient who visits your medical facility often. He or she is a patient of Dr. Rio Yovino. Feel free to make up your patient’s name, and you can use the College’s address as the patient’s address. If you are creative using Microsoft Word, you will get extra points for creating a letterhead for your doctor’s office. Your task is to write a five paragraph, well-organized, well-developed letter to a patient and do both of the following:  Provide patient instruction on the lifestyle changes required of someone with a particular disease or condition. Discuss two to three lifestyle changes.  Provide preventive measures a person can take to minimize risks that could lead to developing a health condition or disease. Discuss two to three preventive measures.  Devote a paragraph showing awareness of conflicts that might arise with the patient’s family such as meal preparations based upon the dietary change, especially since the patient is head of household. Your letter should have: An introduction: Be sure to state the purpose of your letter in your opening paragraph. Look at model letters and go to the Learning Center if you need direction. Supporting Paragraphs. You should have at least 3 paragraphs supporting the introduction. Each paragraph should cover the lifestyle changes or preventive risks that you are presenting. Topic sentences should be supported by facts found in the research. Closing Paragraph. In your final paragraph, wish your patient well and be sure to include contact information if he or she has questions. Works Cited Page. Visit the Learning Center for assistance with this—must be included. Original Source Documents. These are your articles and/or brochures—must be included. DO NOT WORK ON THIS ASSIGNMENT WITH ANOTHER CLASSMATE. If you violate the College’s Academic Honesty Policy, you will automatically fail.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Re: Health Wellness-Exercise and Weight Control
I am writing this letter to take you through essential steps on why weight control is vital for your health. This letter's goals are to help you understand how exercises and weight control help in health maintenance, prevention of diseases, and treatment plan.
Weight management is an important entity to your health, and most people do not realize it until it is too late. Typically, weight control is the process of maintaining body weight by either doing exercises regularly and taking a balanced diet. In this case, we use BMI (Body mass index) to determine the weight range in an individual. It is recommendable to always take stock of your weight every three months to ensure you are on the safe side. If you have a body weight with BMI over 30, you are considered obese, and there are different ways to determine whether you are obese; for example, women can use their waste line to show whether they are overweight. Technically, women should have 35 inches and 40 inches to men; this is a vital gauge always to remain fit as a patient.
Moreover, I would like to clarify some confusing terms regarding weight, overweight, and obesity. Both terms have a similar objective, to show you have excess fat, thus do not get confused. So, when does it happen? Let me take you through some important points to explain how a person can become obese without noticing. Firstly, obesity is based on what you eat and drink and how often you do both. In this case, you will accumulate more fats if your calorie intake i...
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