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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Week 2: Measurement. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Week 2: Measurement

One of the keystone concepts in modern quality improvement science is that of measurement. An often heard management adage is “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” Measurement can come in many different forms, including statistics, charts, and patient satisfaction surveys. This week we begin to explore measurement in health care quality improvement, and we will be introduced to various tools used for measurement.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze an example of quality that was measured, assessed, and improved

Apply simple data collection techniques to a measurement problem

Design a data collection mechanism for an aspect of quality

Interpret a control chart

Synthesize the purpose, methods, and findings from the evidence-based literature that relate to a practice problem

Photo Credit: [Anthia Cumming]/[E+]/Getty Images

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Spath, P. (2013). Introduction to healthcare quality management (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.

Chapter 3, “Measuring Performance” (pp. 32–72)

Chapter 4, “Evaluating Performance” (pp. 73–110)

Yoder-Wise, P. S. (2015). Leading and managing in nursing (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby.

Chapter 20, “Managing Quality and Risk” (pp. 361–381)

Chapter 21, “Translating Research Into Practice” (pp. 383–404)

Perla, R. J., Provost, L. P., & Murray, S. K. (2011). The run chart: A simple analytical tool for learning from variation in healthcare processes. BMJ Quality and Safety, 20(1), 46–51. Retrieved from http://www(dot)med(dot)unc(dot)edu/cce/files/education-training/The%20run%20chart%20a%20simple%20analytical%20tool.pdf

Discussion: Applying Measurement Tools

One example of a measurement tool is the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) comprehensive care measures. Review the eight components of HEDIS comprehensive diabetes care; then consider the following scenario.

You are a staff nurse working in a private primary care practice. It is a small practice with 2 MDs (internists), 2 nurses, 1 medical assistant, and an office staff for billing. There are approximately 1,000 patients in the practice. You have had no EHR until the last year, but all charts are manual, historically. Your physicians are starting to inquire about quality incentives, particularly regarding patients with diabetes.

By Day 3

Take on the role of the staff nurse in the scenario, and post an explanation of how you would go about finding out how many diabetics are in your practice and how many meet all 8 components of HEDIS comprehensive diabetes care.

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature. Your posts need to be written at the capstone level (see checklist).

Notes Initial Post: This should be a 3-paragraph (at least 350 words) response. Be sure to use evidence from the readings and include in-text citations. Utilize essay-level writing practice and skills, including the use of transitional material and organizational frames. Avoid quotes; paraphrase to incorporate evidence into your own writing. A reference list is required. Use the most current evidence (usually ≤ 5 years old). (Refer to AWE Checklist, Capstone)

By Day 7

Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings from the Discussion question.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings with a critique of their data mechanisms. Explain whether the data mechanism is practical, how long it might take, any alternatives you might suggest, and/or any electronic data collection possibilities that might apply.

Post a Discussion entry on three different days of the week. See the Discussion Rubric found in the Course Information area.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 2 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 7

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 2 Discussion

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Subject and Section
September 6, 2018
Provision of quality healthcare requires measurement and assessment tools that would help specialists to determine what needs to be improved in the current system and practice. In the case presented above, it is apparent that there is a need for a tailored measurement tool that would help assess the patients’ health since there are no electronic health records available. Consequently, the use of the Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS), should provide the assessment tool to quickly diagnose and treat patients with diabetes, or the risk thereof CITATION Dis18 \l 1033 (NCQA.org, 2018).
One of the strengths of HEDIS is its use of the eight condition-based components that makes the treatment of the diabetes more efficient. The eight components of the Comprehensive Diabetes Care are (1) “Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c ) testing, (2) HbA1c poor control (>9.0%), (3) HbA1c control (<8.0%), (4) HbA1c control (<7.0%), (5) LDL-C screening performed, (6) Eye exam (retinal) performed, (7) LDL-C control (<100mg/dL), [and] (8) Medical attenti...
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