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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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What Would You Like To Change In Your Work Setting

Essay Instructions:

Dear writer,

Please copy and paste question first then write the answer. Please use APA with links. There are 3 questions.

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1. What would you like to change in your work setting (past or present)?

2. What are the barriers and facilitators in your work setting?

3. What specific strategies could you use to reach your goal?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 9
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Date of Submission:
Week 9
1 What would you like to change in your work setting (past or present)?
Change in healthcare facilities and practice is vital in welcoming improved quality and increased patient safety. It is essential to continually evaluate healthcare delivery systems to ensure patient needs are satisfied, and clear communication and awareness are made to the local population. Given a chance, I would change the mode of communication. In most cases, the organization uses an instant messaging application on all networks. The managers commonly use communication methods to all caregivers, and the app gives a lot of room for interpretation of the relayed information. The act causes a lot of miscommunication. Nursing is a unique profession that utilizes communication to deliver and make decisions regarding patient-centered care, and I do not think the most comfortable thing is the best. Proper communication ensures that projects and assignments are completed on time and more efficiently (Susanto & Chen, 2017). Communication between different departments can be made easy with the current information communication systems, which have gained momentum within a short time due to its effectiveness in reducing medical errors and promoting excellent diagnosis (Susanto & Chen, 2017). Nursing ICT also improves healthcare at lower costs and provides room for further education for the professionals and the patients.
2 What are the barriers and facilitators in your work setting?
Implementing change can be gruesome as my previous workplace had a few technological tools and equipment. Restructuring and decentralizing the Instant messaging mode of communication can hinder implementation (Mathieson, Grande & Luker, 2019). Change always absorbs the employees’ energy and time and requires a commitment that might distract them from focusing on patient-centered care. The organization may also have inadequate resources necessary for implementing change, which includes education funds for the staff on the use of Information communication technology.
Implementing a distinct communication mode such as Personal Digital assistant and other information communication devices will help save clinical time, enhance p...
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