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How Would You Engage In Solving This Problem In A Leader Role

Essay Instructions:

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Please follow instructions/scenario and please copy and paste question first then write the answer using APA with links. There are 6 questions.

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Using the definitions of leadership, management, and followership, imagine you are faced with a critically ill client whose family members are spread throughout the country. Some family members are holding vigil at the bedside, whereas others are calling the unit incessantly, taking nurses away from client care responsibilities. You recognize the family concerns and want to move from a reactive stance to a proactive position.

1. How would you engage in solving this problem in a leader role?

2. A manager role?

3. A follower role?

4. In which role would you be most comfortable?

5. Least comfortable?

6. Which role would lead to the best outcomes for the situation?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 8
Students’ Name: University Affiliation:
Date of Submission:
Leading, Managing, and Following in Nursing
Leading, following, and managing are the crucial concepts in the nursing profession that help in decision making and handling administrative duties. Leadership is utilizing higher management positions to make engaged decisions for a course of action in the face of complex and risky situations that do not have standardized solutions (Fischer, 2016). As a follower, an individual must provide a complementary set of assertive and healthy roles that support the management in executing and solving complex problems. Managers in healthcare settings guide and supervise through procedures and policies.
How would you engage in solving this problem in a leadership role?
A leader influences colleagues or a team to improve the quality of patient-centered care and other clinical services. Leadership is utilizing higher management positions to make engaged decisions for a course of action in the face of complex and risky situations that do not have standardized solutions (Fischer, 2016). The leaders should first assess the situation and adopt scientific proof and nursing skills to guide other physicians. In the scenario, I would utilize my leadership skills to assess the critically ill patient and his family situation and communicate direction, use practical principles in guiding other physicians, and project an air of self-assuredness.
A manager role
The role of managers in healthcare settings is to guide and supervise through a set of standard procedures and policies that are evidence-based. The part of managers is to satisfy the pre-established outcomes based on recurring clinical practices and situations (Pilat & Merriam, 2019). In this case, the management does not involve people holding top positions such as the Chief Nurse Officer and the nursing director, but individuals nominated or elected as team leaders. The position is complicated and requires sophisticated skills. As a manager, I would utilize my manager role to establish a critically ill patient treatment plan. My knowledge of diverse interventional sills would be appl...
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