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How Can You Best Integrate Chronic Disease Related Personal Self Management Skills

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There are 3 questions.

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1. How can you best integrate chronic disease related personal self management skills with lifestyle and other aspects of a client’s life?

2. Discuss what is meant by, “Client education is essential to safe, ethical clinical practice.”

3. What specific strategies would you use to help low-literacy clients learn essential health information?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Week 10
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Date of Submission:
Week 10
How can you best integrate chronic disease-related personal self-management skills with lifestyle and other aspects of a client’s life?
Self-management is active management and participation by patients in their health conditions. The strategy is essential in the growing burden associated with chronic health conditions such as obesity and diabetes. Managing such chronic health conditions is needed to impede the factors that worsen them; such as clients’ weight (Anekwe & Rahkovsky, 2018). Medical experts can integrate self-management skills to patients with chronic conditions by creating training programs to teach patients on self-management skills to improve clinical outcomes and reduce costs of treatment. During the initial stages of the program, patients with distinct health conditions can be brought together to improve medical outcomes and reduce cost.
The educational programs will help patients in making worthy health choices and uphold behaviors such as frequent exercises in the case of obese individuals. Successful healthy behaviors require excellent collaboration between the physicians, the patient and families. The process of incorporating the skills should include a steady focus on the needs of the health condition, availability of resources and acceptance of the patients (Anekwe & Rahkovsky, 2018). The role of physicians in the process is to coordinate patients’ self-management activities and to understand that different self-management activities vary with time. They should communicate with patients to understand various changes and ensure they stick to the self-management plans. Generally, the program helps the patients in building the skills and confidence necessary in leading healthy lives.
Discuss what is meant by, “Client education is essential to safe, ethical clinical practice.”
Client education is the provision of literacy to the patients concerning their diagnosis, treatment plans, medical prescription and available self-management techniques. The education can help increase the efficacy of drugs, patient compliance and the overall clinical outcomes. Education helps the patience in making informed, and safe medical decisions since literate individuals are knowledgeable of poten...
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