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NR360 RUA Assignment Paper: We Can But Dare We?

Essay Instructions:

Required Uniform Assignment: We Can, but Dare We?
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate smartphone and social media use in healthcare and to apply professional, ethical, and legal principles to their appropriate use in healthcare technology.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
•    CO #4: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO 4)
•    CO #6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client's right to privacy. (PO 6)
Due Date
See Course Schedule in Syllabus. The college's Late Assignment Policy applies to this activity.
Total Points Possible
This assignment is worth a total of 240 points.
1.    Research, compose, and type a scholarly paper based on the scenario described below, and choose a conclusion scenario to discuss within the body of your paper. Reflect on lessons learned in this class about technology, privacy concerns, and legal and ethical issues and addressed each of these concepts in the paper, reflecting on the use of smartphones and social media in healthcare. Consider the consequences of such a scenario. Do not limit your review of the literature to the nursing discipline only because other health professionals are using the technology, and you may need to apply critical thinking skills to its applications in this scenario.
2.    Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting. Consult your copy of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition, as well as the resources in Doc Sharing if you have questions (e.g., margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, etc.). Take advantage of the writing service SmartThinking, which is accessed by clicking on the link called the Tutor Source, found under the Course Home area.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

We Can, But Dare We?
Course Number: Course Name;
Term Month and Year
We Can, But Dare We?
Have you ever enjoyed a Selfie? Browsed couple of snaps on your Instagram at work? How much time do you access your Smartphone while at work? Is your work rate and quality of greater essence? If not, then you are an addict of technology. The increase in demand of technology, especially in the hospital setups has resulted in the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. Therefore, Smartphones are currently important in the hospital setups with more than 90% of physicians using Smartphones at their places of work (Helm&Georgatos, 2014). These gadgets have been of immense importance in terms of ease of communication, search for new information, enhance streamlining of operations, and its effectiveness in the reduction of costs among others. In addition, the Smartphone usage in the hospital setups has enabled most physicians to access media applications such as Instagram, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, a pervasive usage of such gadgets in the professional setting usually presents numerous challenges (Helm&Georgatos, 2014). For example, there has been an increase of security and privacy infringement cases coupled with too many incidences of distractions among the healthcare practitioners. Most of the users have been facing challenges based on work ethics, professional issues and legal actions taken against employees. Therefore, the essay here in purposed to investigate the use of Smartphones and social media in the healthcare setup and the application of professional, legal and ethical principles that guard the usage of such devices within such setups amidst personal technology (Ventola, 2014).
The investigation will be based on a scenario analysis of a night shift healthcare provider who uses his Smartphone amidst attending a casualty in an emergency section. This will be elaborated based on the application of the Smartphones and social media in relation to the HIPAA, Legal and Regulatory with respect to work ethics. Consequently, the discussion will elaborate on the scenario ending from the provided options, then give a recommendation on the appropriate action taken to mitigate the problems caused in the scenario. It will be followed by an elaboration of the advantages and disadvantages of the use of Smartphones and social media in healthcare systems as well as elaborating on the relevant professional and ethical principles of the appropriate use of such devices and a concluding remarks and reflection on the lessons learned in the practice (Ventola, 2014).
Chosen Scenario Conclusion
The scenario shows healthcare provider who reveals the PHI information of a patient who is a celebrity to his friend who releases the same information to the social media via Smartphone. This confidential information was released without the consent of the patient. On the same note, the healthcare provider has failed to follow the HIPAA regulations on the use of Smartphones to release information as well as neglected the hospital work ethics. On the following day, he fails to collect his phone from the bedside table and goes home. Therefore, the ending scenario entails the collection of the phone from the table to find the owner. In addition, the information released to the social media by the friends leads to the publication of the information about the singer and the accident, incident that is made known to the public through Gossip Gazette. This prompts investigation in the hospital where the patient was admitted. In addition, there will be a law pursuit concerning privacy and confidentiality breaches by the hospital to the patient.
The privacy and consent breaches with respect to the release of PHI of the patient are noted in the scenario which has resulted in an investigation and appropriate legal action being taken to the hospital. However, such repercussions would not have prevailed if the following would have been in place. First, the staff needed proper training on the HIPAA awareness, and other laws regarding the use of Smartphones in hospitals. It is normally noted in most hospitals that the top management is the ones receiving such training on HIPAA regulations (Gill, Kamath & Gill, 2012). However, the training should be conducted to all the employees, volunteers and interns or any other person who might have an opportunity to PHI information of the patients. Therefore, the compliance training is the best proactive measure to avoid such breaches. All the concerned people in the hospital should be aware of the privacy and security of the PHI of the patients and their protection should the priority of all the clinicians and other medical professionals. The HIPAA regulations on Smartphone usage should form part of the policy of the hospital setup (Ventola, 2014).
Secondly, there should be a well-structured authorization requirement which includes a written consent for the use and disclosure of any patient's PHI, addresses, payment records, and health care operations among others. This regulation is provided alongside the privacy rule. Thus, if a medical practitioner may be unaware, he or she should get permission or consent as well as authorization before accessing information or releasing the same.In situations where such breaches have occurred as demonstrated in the scenario, the patient should be notified of the incident. In most cases, entities that are covered under the cover entity (CE) should provide the right procedures for conducting an investigation into the breach as well as outlining the necessary actions to be taken in order to prevent such breaches in the future (Ventola, 2014).
The HIPAA, Legal and Regulation Discussion
Technology is realized to be ahead of the laws and regulations, especially the handheld Smartphones. These devices have photographic apps and data storage and transmission capacities which result to the increased challenge in complying with the HIPAA, laws, and regulations. Based on the scenario presented, the main compliance issue that is realized is the patient privacy. The physician at the night shift is negligent of the awareness o...
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