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Vaccination Enemies and the “Corona Conspiracy" – Making Money

Essay Instructions:

read the text and answer the following questions

The conspiracy theory that Corona never exists may seem funny now after all that has happened, but the owners of this theory are a nuisance to the police and health, at least in Britain. And the "Sky News" network, on Sunday, shed light on who the theory promotes and how it works.

Health workers and police officers in Britain say that those who spread these strange theories represent a real problem, especially since the false news that they promote will harm new generations. Police stated that three quarters of the protests in Britain are carried out by opponents of the closure measures, but the worrying fourth quarter is organized by supporters of the "fake virus" theory and opponents of vaccination.

The investigation that covered the Internet and the reality on the ground showed that there are many pages and groups that promote the conspiracy theory about the pandemic, but it became clear that there are three groups that dominate the scene. These groups seek to make money, especially through donations. For example, one of the leaders of these groups raised an amount of 45 thousand pounds from the public, equivalent to (61 thousand dollars).

The Sky News investigation shows that these groups are pushing towards a set of conspiracy theories: Some say that the epidemic is less harmful than what science says, and some deny the existence of the epidemic at all, and some warn about "the risks of vaccines." And the group "Stand Up X", for example, focuses on organizing and leading the weekly marches against the lockdown across Britain.

The elements of this group can be recognized by their orange logo with crossed fists that form an X shape - describing themselves as against lockdown and anti-COVID vaccination .. A viral video clip shared by Stand Up X showed the group's members confronting shoppers wearing masks in a supermarket in Beckham, south London, in August last year. The group gained attention through videos of its protests on social networks.

The investigation found that the group launched a donation page on the PayPal online payment site. But the group officially denies it received any money from the crowdfunding pages. People said, according to the investigation, that they donated their money to this group, while others accused them of deception and trying to make money illegally. The group has an online clothing store, which it says funds its publications and equipment.

First. Choose the correct answer (3)

The purpose of the text is : 1. To reject the measures taken by the Corona 2. To criticize the owners of the conspiracy theory 3. Encourage the owners of the conspiracy theory

2. Most of the protests in Britain 1. Because of the spread of Corona 2. Because of measures to protect against corona 3. Because of vaccination

3. According to the investigation, opposition groups 1. They seek funding for their projects 2. Refuse funding 3. Deny funding
Second. Put (j) true or false and correct the mistake (8)

1. The text is concerned with conspiracy theorists all over the world

2. Sky News investigation was carried out online and in fact

3. All opposition groups agree that the epidemic is not dangerous

4. Some of these groups attacked people in the markets

5. The only goal of these groups is to raise money

Third. Written expression (9)

Are you a conspiracy theorist? Why ? (20 words)

Write a post about your actions and feelings during the lockdown. (80-100 words)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Vaccination Enemies and the “Corona Conspiracy”… Making Money
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Choose the correct answer
The Purpose of the text is: To criticize the owners of the conspiracy theories.
Most of the protests in Britain are: Because of Vaccination.
According to the investigation, opposition groups: Seek funding for their projects.
Put true or false and correct the mistake
1 The text is concerned with conspiracy theorists all over the world. False. It is concerned with conspiracy theories in Britain.
2 Sky News Investigation was carried out online. True
3 All opposition groups agree that the epidemic is not dangerous. False. Three quarters of the protests in Britain are carried out by opponents of the closure measures while the fourt...
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