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Using Alcohol Responsibly

Essay Instructions:

Grading Rubric: Unhealthy HabitsWomen’s Health: Chapters 12, 13Your essay will be 2 complete pages in your original thought. Be aware that if your work is copied from another source, it is considered plagiarism and you will receive a zero. Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper. Select one topic from the textbook from chapter 12 or 13. This topic will be an unhealthy habit chosen and you will write about the habit, statistics which are associated with the negative habit, how women are affected by the negative habit, what health risks are known if someone partakes in the habit, and how you will counsel a client/patient coming to see you on a professional level who has this habit. What type of plan can you develop to help her eliminate the habit and form positive ways to reduce the stress she feels as she is trying to substitute a healthy habit instead of the one which puts her at risk. Do NOT include information about yourself.

Grading Criteria

Describes the health issue, consequences, and risks: 40

Describe statistics associated with unhealthy habit: 6

Explains counseling to help the client in-depth: 45

Referenced at least 3 website sources:9

references will not be counted as part of the “page report” and will be listed on a separate page. Your written report will be 2 complete pages in length. Keep in mind to focus on the two highest point values for this assignment and make sure to provide expanded examples and depth. Do not submit the paper to include your name, my name, or course on your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Using Alcohol Responsibly
Student’s Name
Using Alcohol Responsibly
Alcohol is defined as an intoxicating chemical to which humans have been consuming for a very long time. Women who drink alcohol have always been seen in a different light from a social perspective (Andrew, Tiggemann, & Clark, 2016). Society assumes that there is a likelihood of them behaving immorally. Overconsumption of alcohol by women has various consequences. One of them is impairment of judgment. Consumption of alcohol impairs the ability of a woman to operate and drive machines such as cars. The high alcohol content in the blood increases the chances of the woman sustaining a car crash. There is also the probability of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) (Andrew, Tiggemann, & Clark, 2016). Women who drink alcohol while pregnant run the unborn baby's risk of being diagnosed with FAS, leading to congenital disabilities. Any consumption of alcohol by women can increase the chances of them getting breast cancer. It is prevalent in those women whose families have a history of breast cancer and menopausal.
Women who drink alcohol expose themselves to certain risks. Alcohol reduces a woman's inhibitions, thereby increasing the chances of engaging in risky sexual behavior with someone they have just met (Delker, Brown, & Hasin, 2016). There is also the possibility of being taken advantage of and raped by predators who may find them an easy target. Other risks associated with alcohol include unnecessary accidents such as falling down a flight of steps and being abusive to family and friends. As already established, alcohol impairs judgment, leading to poor parenting skills and a lack of responsibility. Consumption of alcohol is an expensive vice that can translate to unwanted children and engage in criminal acts to sustain the wrong itself.
The Center for Diseases and Control (CDC) estimates that about 79,000 deaths yearly can be attributed to alcoholism (Kolander, Ballard, & Chandler, 2014). The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoho...
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