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Use of Technology in Instructional Delivery

Essay Instructions:

Visit or call an educational institution and explore the use of technology in instructional delivery. Include hardware, software, and faculty support considerations. Identify the technology competency skills required by an educator. Submit a 700- to 1,050-word paper addressing these areas. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Use of technology in instructional delivery
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In the recent times, there has been great emphasis on the use of technology in different areas of human life. This emphasis follows the realization that there is much advantage associated with embrace of technology in human life. One of such areas where there is emphasis of use of technology is in the educational institutions. A visit to one middle level school reveal that there has been embrace of the usage of technology in this institution but still there is need to embrace more advanced technology . This paper explores to what extent the technology has been embraced in this school and what more needs to be done on the same. There are also highlights of the technology competency that an educator requires.
Use of technology
There is usage of technology in the visited learning institution, (school). This is evidenced through the realization that students there use computers in learning different concepts. First, there is learning of the computer itself to understand how it functions and how one can use it to perform different functions. Once the students have familiarized with the computers, there is usage of the computers in delivering contents of other subjects. For instance, the students could be told to type some science noted on the computer or to prepare some mathematical tables and graphs using the computers. Once the work has been completed, there could be the option of saving the work as soft copy or the work could be printed. Most of the times, printing of the work is encouraged especially in a bid to avoid loss of the work which is associated with usage of same computer by many users. It is understood that; printing of the work is part of usage of technology and should therefore not be looked down upon.
It is evident that the usage of technology in this school is very much encouraging. The students seem to do well in the subjects that are taught mainly using the computers. This emanates from the fact that usage of technology motivates the learners since it breaks the classroom monotony of usage of books and pens. Muñoz-Cristóbal, Prieto, Asensio-Pérez et al ( 2015) acknowledge that; different hardware such as the computers, the printers, projectors as well as monitors, motivate learners a great deal. The school therefore, has resorted to invest highly in buying such implements to facilitate usage of technology due to the realization that performance is bound to improve with usage of the technology. Other gadgets such as mobile phones I pads have been on high use especially by the teachers. Such gadgets are used to search for educational information from educational sites. Such information is used to increase their knowledge and is incorporated in the teaching undertakings. Such gadgets compliment the computers because; the computers are also highly used to retrieve such information. One an educator relies on the technological gadgets to get information; they are bound to keep more informed. This view emanates from the realization that, such technological gadgets provide current information that is up-to-date. This is unlike the books which may contain outdated information.
Ng'ambi (2013) observes that; in the deliberations of embracing ...
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