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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Use of Hourly Rounding to Prevent Falls in Medical-surgical Unit

Essay Instructions:

Address a Quality Care or Patient Safety Issue:
Identify one issue that exists on an inpatient, outpatient, or community setting that you have access to.
Review the issue utilizing management functions: organizing, planning, directing, controlling, and budgeting, and integrate each of these functions into the proposal.
Consider the impact of change to the organization’s mission, staffing, scheduling, staff development, staff and patient satisfaction, and budgetary performance.
Identify all stakeholders, such as finance, human resources, nursing, medical staff, pharmacy, and plan for coordination during implementation.
Executive Summary: This section often determines the interest of the reader.
• The executive summary is usually one or two paragraphs (no more than one page) that summarizes the proposal. This summary should be on a separate page at the front of the document (immediately after the title page).
• Provide a succinct summary of who, why, where, when, cost, expected outcome, and other important points of your proposal need to be included.
• The executive summary should highlight the strengths of your overall plan and, therefore, be the last section you write and the first page of your proposal.
• It should cover all major highlights of your project that could stand alone if needed.
II. Introduction: Statement of the Problem
• Overview/review of the Capstone/Nursing Practice Project Proposal
• Describe the problem/issue that is prompting the need for a change in current practice.
a) Briefly explain current practice
b) Explain how the clinical issue was identified
c) This should justify the need for your project and explain what evidence you have that shows this is a problem in your identified setting.
• Describe the steps that will be involved in the implementation of the project.
• Discuss the impact/change that the proposed Nursing Practice Project will have on:
a) The identified setting
b) Patient/Client/Community outcomes
c) The Institution overall
III. Assessing Need for Change
• The purposes of this section are to synthesize the evidence found in the literature and make a scholarly case for change.
• PICO(T) question generated from the problem or issue
• Support the potential interventions that could resolve the problem.
• Summarize the literature review regarding the evidence supporting your project. Paraphrase all the evidence you have found to support your project using concise writing (it should take only a few paragraphs at most).
• Assess the feasibility.
• Indicate why this project is important and the rationale used to support the recommended action.
IV. Change Design (Action Plan)
• The purpose of this section is to inform the reader of the detailed plan to act. This section is where you fully inform the person or group that is responsible to approve this action. This majority of the content should be in the body of the paper, with supplemental information in the appendix. Be sure to direct the reader to each appendix from the body of the paper.
• Discuss the process of implementation.
• Insert table of proposed timeline and a detailed, step-by-step action plan into body of paper or add as appendix. Don’t forget to include your plan for project approval, if needed. You may identify weeks or anticipated dates you will be enrolled in NUR 464. (Week One, Two, etc.)
• Develop a detailed budget that is included in the proposal as an appendix.
• Discuss the inclusion of a member of the interprofessional team and their specific role in the implementation, evaluation or success of your project.
• Discuss factors that would assist or hinder implementation.
V. Evaluation Plan for Project Assessment
(Reminder: Implementation AND evaluation WILL occur in NUR 464).
• The purpose of this section is to establish the criteria for evaluation so that all stakeholder are aware of what will be measured to determine success, when such measurements will be taken (or collected), and the anticipated points of the project that may need corrective action (if necessary).
• Describe the criteria that can be used to evaluate the outcome/results of the project. If a survey is to be used, please include a copy as an appendix. Do not survey children or patients (unless routine patient satisfaction survey data is used), as this may require IRB approval. (Discuss this with your faculty prior to proceeding.)
• How should the change be communicated to the stakeholders?
• How would you integrate the change into practice?
• How should the change be monitored?
VI. Summary
• The purpose of the section is to make a convincing and compelling case for change.
• Often, this section is used to concisely restate the issue-at-hand and discuss the risks of not taking action or the cost benefit of change to address the issue.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effect of Hourly Rounding in the Prevention of Falls in a Medical-Surgical Unit
Student’s Name
Course Name and Number
Instructor’s Name
Executive Summary
Fall risks threaten patient safety and contribute to significant financial losses to a hospital. This proposal suggests the use of hourly rounding to prevent falls in our medical-surgical unit. The medical-surgical unit has been using bed exit alarms as the primary fall prevention strategy, but the fall rate continues to rise, regardless. Evidence shows that hourly rounds benefit not only patients but also the hospital. Implementing hourly rounding at the medical-surgical unit will reduce patient falls, improve patient safety, reduce fall-associated injuries and death, and protect the hospital from financial losses.
Leadership support, nurse buy-in, and nurse training will be necessary to implement this project. Nurse training will cost about $320 per nurse, including the provision of educational materials. This will be provided as indicated in the proposed timeline. The project’s outcome will be evaluated using the number of patients’ falls as the outcome measure. Integration into practice will require the identification of change champions, effective and frequent communication, and behavior reinforcement. The progress of the proposed change will be communicated to stakeholders through weekly emails according to the hospital’s policy.
Introduction: Statement of the Problem
Working in a medical-surgical unit requires providing individualized attention and care to different patients with a wide variety of illnesses that require hospitalization. It also involves providing specialized care to patients recovering from a surgical procedure. Nurses are expected to ensure patient safety while providing care in the medical-surgical unit. While working in a medical-surgical unit, one of the most common patient safety issues that I have come across is patient falls. This has put some of our patients in great danger. According to Cuttler et al. (2017), patients in medical-surgical units face the highest risk of falls, with an average of 5 falls per 1000 patient days. Patient falls contribute to complications such as head injuries, bruises, lacerations, fractures, and death in some cases. As such, it is important to prevent falls in the medical-surgical unit through the implementation of evidence-based strategies.
Current practice at the medical-surgical unit where I work involves the use of bed exit alarms for fall prevention. Bed exit alarms are used because evidence has shown that many patients fall when exiting a bed and an alarm alerts the nurse that the patient is exiting (Staggs et al., 2020). However, many patients at my medical-surgical unit fall before the nurse can arrive after the alarm warning. It was recently discovered that the incident of patient fall is at its all-time high after an internal patient safety review was conducted at the medical-surgical unit. Despite the use of bed exit alarms, patient safety continues to be threatened through increased fall rates. This has necessitated changes in fall prevention strategies. My medical-surgical unit wants to explore the use of hourly rounds as a fall prevention strategy. The steps that will be involved in the implementation of the project include leadership support, nurse buy-in, training, and incorporation of the change.
Implementing the hourly rounding in the medical-surgical unit will promote patient safety. It will reduce fall-related morbidity and mortality as well as a prolonged length of stay due to fall-related injuries in the medical-surgical unit (Cuttler et al., 2017). Hourly rounding will also reduce the risk of falls and protect patients from fall-related injuries. According to Gliner et al. (2022), hourly rounding can reduce patient falls by up to 21%. It will also improve patients’ well-being and outcomes. Overall, the proposed hourly rounding will save the institution a lot of financial losses. As Staggs et al. (2020) reveal, patient falls increase hospital costs because the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) does not reimburse medical costs associated with the treatment of hospital falls. Also, hospitals lose millions in financial litigation for patient falls. Thus, preventing falls will protect the institution from such losses.
Assessing the Need for Change
The PICOT question developed to address the problem of patient falls in the medical-surgical unit is as follows:
In the medical-surgical unit (P), does hourly rounding (I) compared to bed exit alarms (C) reduce patient falls (O) over eight weeks (T)?
This PICOT question is developed based on existing evidence on the effect of hourly rounding on fall prevention. There has been a heavy reliance on bed alarms in healthcare organizations in recent times, which threatens patient safety even more. According to LeLaurin and Shorr (2019), over 90% of nurse managers depend largely on bed alarms as the primary fall prevention strategy, yet alarms do not significantly reduce falls. This has been attributed to the fact that the use of alarms is based on the assumption that nurses will have enough time to react and prevent a fall after receiving the alarm. Also, overreliance on alarms gives nurses a sense of security and reduces their vigilance in regularly checking on patients in the inpatient units (LeLaurin & Shorr, 2019). However, hourly rounding can counter these issues.
Rounding has been linked with improved patient safety in inpatient settings (Burdick et al., 2017) because it enhances nurses’ responsiveness to patients’ needs, such as going to the bathroom, changing positions on the bed, and other basic needs (Al Danaf et al., 2017). Also, Gliner et al. (2022) i...
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