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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Universal Health Coverage. Health, Medicine, Nurcing Essay

Essay Instructions:

It has been suggested by some that universal health care will result in a decrease in the overall quality of medical services.

What is YOUR opinion?

1.) Should health care be universal?

2.) Is health care a privilege or a right?

3.) Does everyone have a right to medical care regardless of income or employment?

4.) Would universal coverage decrease the quality of medical care for all?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Universal Health Coverage Name Institutional Affiliation Universal Health Coverage Most of the developed countries recognize health care to be a human right. However, not all countries, both those that can afford and those who cannot have implemented the concept of universal health care. For instance, the United States is viewed as a global leader on so many dimensions globally, but has not implemented universal health care (Boudreau, 2017). According to the World Health Organization, universal health care relates to the ability of all the people in a certain country being able to access, use and receive quality health care regardless of financial capabilities. Generally, the concept relates to equity in the accessing health services, the quality of the services and protecting the people from financial risks when accessing medical services (WHO, 2018).Although the debate on universal health care has raged on for years, I agree with the proponents of the concept that health care should be universal. The responsible organizations should stop the political influence on the debate and focus on the health care of the nation. Also, health care is a basic right and not a privilege. People’s ability to access quality health care should not be determined by their financial capabilities but should be a basic right of the citizens. Thus, it is a government&rs...
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