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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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United Kingdom Healthcare System

Essay Instructions:

I want the outline, rough draft and the final paper. Use source that is written by experts in the discipline

Introduction 3

Population and Health Status…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Demographic characteristics of population

Mortality, Infant mortality data, causes of death

Other data of health status

Related information (such as on quality if life); analysis

Availability of Health Services

Basic organization/general description of services institutions, providers of care

Issues related to access

Utilization of services (data, if available)

Other related information/analysis


How are health services paid for; any roles for the government here

Data on total expenditures

Other related information/analysis

Macroenvironmental influences on the health care system




Technological/Other relevant influences

Summary comments



Other related comments regarding this country's health care services

Comparison to the United States: what works better, what is not working as well………………………………….

Concluding comments: Lessons learned for the U. S., other countries……………………………………………… 

References (required)………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Introduction (Final Paper may read “Executive Summary”)

Initial Introduction: What you wish to show in your research and with your topic.

Final Instruction: summary of key points of your paper. Include the name of the country reviewed, highlights regarding population and health status, services available, expenditures and financing, external influences, and concluding comments/lessons learned.

Population and Health Status

Provide data/discuss:

Demographic characteristics of population

Mortality, infant mortality data

Causes of death

Other relevant data

Related information, such as on quality of life

Analysis of trends

Availability of Services

Discuss, provide data regarding:

Basic organization/general description of services institutions, providers of care

Issues related to access

Utilization of services (data, if available)

Other related information/analysis


Discuss/provide date on who pays for care/how much it costs:

How are health services paid for, roles for the government in financing care?

Data on total expenditures

Other related information/analysis

Macroenvironmental Influences

Discuss external influences the need for, availability of, cost of and use of health care services:




Technological/Other relevant influences


Summary Comments

Summarize and comment on the Problems, Opportunities, other issues you identified regarding this country's health care services system

Compare to the United States: what works better, what is not working as well

Offer concluding comments: Lessons learned for the U. S., other countries


Attach References (One letter grade deduction if no adequate references are included; lack of any credit for references risks an academic integrity violation)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

United Kingdom Health Care Systems
The United Kingdom’s National Health System has evolved over the decades since t of the wake of the Second World War to become one of the largest global health care systems. The National Health Service (NHS) is the United Kingdom’s health care system that became operational on July 5th 1948. NHS is based on the principles of equity, universality, free at the point of delivery and subsidized by central funding. Over the years, NHS has remained a service that is universal to all and that cares for patients not on the basis of their ability to pay but on the basis of their needs and is funded through national insurance contributions and taxes (Grosios et al, 2010). This paper sheds light on the nature of the Health care system in United Kingdom as well as the general health status of the citizens in United Kingdom.
Demographic Characteristic of Population
United Kingdom of Great Britain together with the Northern Ireland are made up of the four countries namely England, wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The population of the English people was approximately 51,809,700 in 2009 constituting 83.8% of the people living in United Kingdom. Health of the UK population has improved and this is indicated by various health indicators. For instant, there was a rise in the life expectancy at birth from 1981 to 2008 by 6.9 years for men and 5.1 years for woman reaching 78.0 years and 82.1 years respectively. The mortality rates for Infants and perinatal has also been on the downward trend since 1976. The perinatal mortality rate decreased from 17.6 deaths in every 1000 live births to 7.6 in 2008 while that of infants decreased from 14.2 in every 1000 live births to 4.7 over the same period of time. The records also showed that there was a decrease in the mortality rates associated with major disease categories. The largest decrease in mortality rates were recorded in the three major categories namely; respiratory conditions (approximately 30% for women and 56% for men), cancers (approximately 10% for women and 22% for men) and circulatory diseases (roughly at 64% for both men and women).
The main illnesses that affect the UK population include circulatory diseases which accounted for 33% of all deaths that occurred in England and Wales in 2009, malignant neoplasms/cancer accounted for 28%, diseases of digestive system accounted for 5.1%, diseases of the respiratory system accounted for 14% while the infectious diseases accounted for 1.2%. The most health public concerns are the rising tendency towards alcohol consumption which leads to various alcohol-related deaths, smoking where approximately 20% of women and 24% of men in 2008 were regular smokers as well as the rising occurrences of child and adult obesity (Boyle, 2011).
Availability of services
Health services are offered by the government where hospitals and prenatal care facilities are owned and run by the government through the five regions. These regions also finance specialists, general practitioners, dentists, physiotherapists as well as pharmaceuticals. The 98 municipalities within United Kingdom are accountable for the nursing homes, municipal dentists, home nurses, health visitors, children’s dentists, home dental services, as well as treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. There are self-employed general practitioners who act as gatekeepers to secondary care and their enumeration comes from fee-for- services and capitation (30%). However, the physicians who work in hospitals are employed by the regions while the non-hospital based specialists get their pay by charging the services they offer (Vrangbaek, 2008).
In addition, health services are also offered by private sector in United Kingdom. These private health providers include insurers; cash plan companies and friendly societies and they contribute a lot through offering various services such as caring for the elderly, psychiatric patients as well as for the physically disabled. They have also shifted from offering selective services to include surgeries that are complex including coronary artery bypass grafts, intensive care unit, acute and sub-acute care and treatment of cancer (including radio-therapy and bone marrow transplantation) (Doyle & Bull, 2000).The National Health Service has a vision of being an organization that offers its services that are founded on its initial principles of free at the point of use, available to all as well as based on need and not affordability. Emphasis is put on patient and public first where patients have the rights and responsibility in accessing health care that is collective as well as ensuring effective use of resources whic...
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