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Understanding the Developments of Children

Essay Instructions:

1. Review the website Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2020). The Growing Child: Preschool (4-5 Years).

Go to the three areas: Preschool, School-Aged, and Adolescent. Pick one of the areas and discuss, in 500 words, as if preparing a refresher paper for teachers on their students' development.

2. Which screenings are mandatory in your state? Please create a list of the grade and the screenings required. If they are not mandated, look at New Jersey or Nevada for examples of state mandates. You are the manager of the school health services in your district. Discuss how you would manage the conduct of the screenings while caring for the students.

3. A 5th grader is staying home from school because of Tourette syndrome. The specific tic bothering her is licking her lips and around her oral area. As described by her mother, the area is raw and red, and she is embarrassed and does not want to attend school. Briefly describe what Tourette syndrome is. Secondly, how would you work with the student, collaborate with her family and possibly physician, her classmates, and other staff to work to get her back in school and stay in school? Give specific details and plans for each one. What would be a reason why you could not collaborate with the physician?

4. A teacher states that a child in her class is extremely hyper. Could you please talk to his parents to medicate him! What would your response be? A pediatrician sends in an order to take blood pressure for a child on a new medication. After reviewing the medications, which class of medications would need blood pressure checks? A parent wants you to give ½ of the dose prescribed by the pediatrician because they think it is too much. What would you do? Another parent asks you to give the medication only on days when you think her child needs it because it is so expensive. Who would you collaborate with to help this family?

5. There are numerous common complaints seen by a school nurse. Please pick two of interest to you. Share with the group the complaint, key history points, key assessment considerations, and nursing actions.

6. The school where you work has a high incidence of teenage pregnancy. Who could you collaborate with within your community to help you manage the student? Name two different groups and how they might collaborate with you. Which HIPAA/FERPA rules need to be considered? What if the students ask you not to tell their parents? What are the laws in your state? How would you support the students so they could stay in school?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Short Essay: School Nursing
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Short Essay: School Nursing
Question One
           For teachers, understanding the various developmental milestones among children is essential. It ensures that teachers promote positive actions and prevent children from adopting negative behaviors such as fighting with others and selfishness. It also ensures that teachers support children and identify developmental problems early on to help young children with developmental issues. In addition, teachers can use these developmental milestones as the basis for screening children suspected of delay in development. For each age, children show different changes. For instance, at the ages of four and five, a child can speak and walk. However, children aged 4 to 5 years are preschoolers, and while their development at this age differs, most of them achieve some common milestones. These include: 
At age 4 
           The child can walk downstairs without assistance, skip on one foot, sing, catch and throw a ball, differentiate between reality and fantasy, show three separate body parts when drawing a person, and build a ten-blocked block tower (John Hopkins Medicine, n.d.). In addition, the child often asks questions, tells stories, and may pick out one color or more. Kids aged four years may use about four words in a sentence and may also use bad words if they hear others use the same words frequently. At this age, they also understand various concepts such as time. They may not understand right and wrong, but at this age, they are obedient to rules. They are also more cognizant of people around them and believe that they can make things happen through their thoughts. At this age, their interaction with others can be quite challenging. They are aggressive and may fight with their siblings or peers. They are also moody, which explains the aggression. They may also have imaginary friends and may have difficulties sharing with others. However, they are quite independent. Children at this age need support to help improve their interactions with others. 
At age 5
           At this age, children become more responsible and cooperative. They can dress, master their address and phone number, learn how to tie their shoes, and recognize the alphabet. In addition, they can jump ropes, balance on one foot while closing their eyes, and walk backward. Also, while drawing, they can copy shapes. Further, the child knows more things at this age. They may know at least four colors, uses at least six words in a sentence, and identify days of the week. They talk more often and may be able to name money and coins. The child also understands the concept of time better than four years old and is curious about factual things in the world. They also understand rules better than a four-year-old and may compare the rules given to them with those given to friends. The interaction with others also changes. As the child starts school life, they may get more attached to their parent. They also interact well with their parents and are more cooperative. They also develop good manners and are more willing to make other people happy. 
Question Two
           In the State of New York, there are three mandatory screenings, which are mostly focused on new students as well as students with low test scores. These include hearing, vision, and scoliosis, which occur in different grade levels. Vision and hearing screening is done for all new entrants into New York public schools and those in grades K, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Scoliosis screening is done for grade 5 and 7 girls and grade 9 boys (Monroe-Woodbury Central School District, n.d.). In addition, diagnostic screening for all new entrants and students with low test scores also includes certificates of immunizations (New York State Education Department, n.d.). New entrants should also be screened for development in oral expression, basic reading skills, listening comprehension, written expression, cognitive development, and articulation skills, motor development, mathematical calculation, and problem-solving skills.
           As a school health services manager in my district, I would first make sure that parents and other stakeholders understand that screening is meant to identify children who may need further assessment and subsequent help with identified issues. Next, I would make sure that the school district has current, reliable, and valid screening tools. Further, I would ensure that those involved in the screening process are properly trained on how to use the screening tools and how to handle students during the screening process. In addition, I would ensure that the screening is carried out under the supervision of a registered nurse to ensure that the bridge between education and health is closed. 
Question Three
           Tourette syndrome is a nervous system condition that causes the body to make sudden, involuntary, repetitive movements, twitches, or sounds, often referred to as tics (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021). To help a student with Tourette syndrome get back to school, I would collaborate with her family, classmates, other school staff, and physicians to help improve her self-esteem and social acceptance and bring her back to school. The reason why the child is avoiding school is that she feels unaccepted. With the student, I would offer her counseling services to help build her esteem and make her comfortable with her experience (Nation's First Center of Excellence for Tourette Syndrome, 2018). The counseling would be informative and supportive. With her family, classmates, and school staff, I would educate them on the syndrome to ensure that they all understand that her condition is involuntary; she cannot control the tics. When they understand what Tourette syndrome is, they will be more compassionate of ...
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