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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Typical Scenario in Healthcares in "Wit"

Essay Instructions:


We are reading Wit and watching the HBO movie of Wit. We are using both versions of Wit for the following reasons:

They can help us recognize when and how to use one of our five psychological theories to explain human behaviors and learning. Wit provides us opportunities to see how important models can be in the learning process

how influential positive reinforcements and positive punishments can be in medical education

We can compare and contrast the nature and quality of the interpersonal (human) interactions in Wit with those in Tuesdays with Morrie and in our upcoming reading Critical Care.

The characters in Wit are models for what to do and what not to do in professional practice. Their interactions illustrate what effective, compassionate professional care looks like (Susie and Vivian)

what ineffective, uncompassionate, unprofessional care looks like (Jason and Vivian; Kelekian and Vivian)


Each individual in your group needs to select ONE scene in the play.

Write a one-paragraph explanation of the reason(s) why you selected that scene and identifying what theory you would use to explain what is happening in that scene and why.

Post your information to the other members of your group.

Each member of the group comments, briefly and constructively, on each other's information.

Let me know when you have finished this process.


read the entire play and watch the youtube link to write

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Healthcare is quite an intricate, sophisticated, and dynamic area. It intersects many disciplines, including psychology, science, philosophy, medicine, law, and sociology, among others! Contemporary healthcare demands treatment and therapeutic interventions that are holistic. One crucial approach to offering holistic care to patients involves deploying the five major psychological perspectives, including biological, behavioral, humanistic, and cognitive and psychodynamic theories. This method ensures that all areas that need attention during healthcare delivery are given the necessary focus and support.
Scene in the Play
This scene is of choice because it is critical to the play's broad overview, lessons, and conclusion. The chemotherapy dosage was weighing her down. Susie understands Bearing’s suffering and suggests to Jason that he lower the dose, but Jason dismisses her opinion. From this moment until the end of the play, Susie assumed a more dominant role where .She informs Vivian about her right to choose not resuscitation or not if her cardiac function stopped. At this moment, she realizes she will not die from her disease due to treatment adversity. Her health deteriorated rapidly. This phenomenon opened her emotion because she was scared, and the only remedies that could quell such fears were human kindness and empathy. Jason was not able to comfort her at this time, but Susie could fill this gap. She later died but having learned the value of not only with and intellect but also that of kindness, humaneness, and empathy.
Overview of Whole Play
The play revolves around Vivian Bearing, a professor specializing in John Donne’s Holy Sonnets' metaphysical poetry, Harvey Kelekian, M.D., the Chief of Medical Oncology at the University Hospital, Jason Posner, M.D., a clinical fellow, Susie Monahan, a nurse at the hospital Mr. Bearing, Vivian's father and E.M. Ashford, a mentor teacher to Vivian. Vivian Bearing is battling stage-four metastatic ovarian cancer. Dr. Kelekian defines Vivian’s cancer in strict me...
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