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Types of Nursing Care Models

Essay Instructions:

Nursing Care Models Paper


  1. Read your text, Finkelman (2016), pp- 111-116.  TEXT BOOK MUST BE USED!!!!
  2. Observe staff in delivery of nursing care provided. Practice settings may vary depending on availability.
  3. Identify the model of nursing care that you observed. Be specific about what you observed, who was doing what, when, how and what led you to identify the particular model.
  4. Write a 6-7-page paper.
  5. Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to the nursing care model you observed in the practice setting.
  6. Review and summarize two scholarly resources (not including your text) related to a nursing care model that is different from the one you observed in the practice setting.
  7. Discuss your observations about how the current nursing care model is being implemented. Be specific.
  8. Recommend a different nursing care model that could be implemented to improve quality of nursing care, safety and staff satisfaction. Be specific.
  9. Provide a summary/conclusion about this experience/assignment and what you learned about nursing care models.
  10. Write your paper using APA format using Microsoft Office 2010 or later.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Care Models
Nursing Care Models
CITATION Sta182 \l 1033 (Stanford Health Care, 2018) defines a nursing practice model as ‘a schematic that symbolizes our beliefs, values, theories, and systems for nursing practice.’ A nursing care model is primarily designed to support patient-nurse relationship and structure it in the best way that improves the quality of care and enhances patient and family satisfaction. Nursing models are adapted to specific healthcare facilities to contribute to the overarching nurses’ satisfaction that they derive from their job. Thus, it is adapted to ensure that the HCO maximumly utilize its nursing resources for the patients. Thus, each HCO will only structure the nursing model that best suits their situation. There are various types of nursing models.
Case management
According to CITATION Whi06 \l 1033 (White & Hall, 2006), ‘Case management is a care delivery model designed to coordinate and manage patient care across the continuum of health care systems.’ This nursing model is pegged on the assumption that the patient needs to be helped to access effective medical support. The nursing model is patient-centered, and it is not built on the nurse-patient relationship. There is shared responsibility accountability amongst the professionals who offered care to the patient. It is not mandatory that the case manager is a nurse. In some HCOs, the nurse manager is a social worker who helps the patient to access the necessary healthcare services.
Scholarly Review
CITATION Whi06 \l 1033 (White & Hall, 2006) sought to map the literature on case management nursing model. Their research is secondary, and it mainly centered on establishing where professionals and students can access information on the case management model. They have reviewed three journals and their relevance to the applicability of the nursing model to different settings. The journals were evaluated by the relevance and quality of their content. CITATION Whi06 \l 1033 (White & Hall, 2006) found that though the case management is relatively an old nursing model with several decades since inception, it is widely used, but it is usually adapted to suit the situation of the HCO. They also found out that ‘students and health care professionals will need to search across disciplines to identify appropriate literature.’
CITATION Fab17 \l 1033 (Fabbri, Maria, & Bertolaccini, 2017) notes that ‘case management fits perfectly in the context of assistance, to promote an increased quality of care, resulting in improved life, through coordination, integrating different professional contributions and ensuring continuity of care through all stages of treatment.’ The authors outlined the core roles and responsibilities of the case manager and functions. The authors continued to explicate the reasons why a healthcare facility can help adapt the model and how it can be structured to fit perfectly to its organizational goals and objectives. The authors also went ahead to explicate the three main roles of case managers; clinical, financial and managerial. The case manager’s clinical role can be summarized as, ‘the application of the nursing process.’ The patients evaluate and identify their real and potential problems by trying to adapt the plan of assistance to the critical pathway that the case manager had previously developed with a multidisciplinary team and together with this team’ CITATION Fab17 \l 1033 (Fabbri, Maria, & Bertolaccini, 2017). The authors have explicated the roles of a case manager and described them in detail and highlight how the model can be adapted to different situations.
Team-Based Model
This approach is pegged on the formation of several nursing teams which have different shifts. The institution forms a team of multidisciplinary teams based on the availability of the staff and shifts. A nursing team consists of a registered nurse, licensed practical/vocational nurses, and UAP. It ensures each shift has a skilled worker for just about anything. They have to however define their roles explicitly before the start of each shift. The team has a high level of autonomy, and they have to ensure they execute their duties independently. A registered nurse coordinates the team, and in most cases, he/she is the lead authority. He/she steers the team through the shift.
Scholarly Review
CITATION Ste162 \l 1033 (Hastings, Suter, Bloom, & Sharma, 2016) evaluated the effects of team-based care in a general medical unit and its advantages and disadvantages. The conclusions from the research were mainly positive hence supported the idea to use a collaborative practice model for adult medical units. Additionally, according to the authors, ‘there were no detrimental outcomes suggests that collaborative practice models such as this one could improve AHS’s ability to deliver sustainable, high-quality, patient- and family-centered care without compromising care quality.’ The researchers used multiple data sources to capture outcomes at the patient, provider, and system levels. They found no significant clinical changes and or detrime...
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