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Trouble at the Excelsior Assisted Living Facility

Essay Instructions:

Trouble at the Excelsior Assisted Living Facility


As you read in Module 3, “Interprofessional collaboration involves working across healthcare professions to cooperate, collaborate, communicate, and integrate care in teams to ensure that care is continuous and reliable” (IOM, 2003a). The health professional, regardless of discipline should be able to demonstrate solid communication skills in practice settings, to function effectively within interprofessional teams, to foster open communication, to demonstrate mutual respect, and to engage in shared decision making to achieve quality care. Most importantly, the patient should be at the ‘center' of their care through shared decision making (IOM, 2003b).


Source:L.Rapple, Excelsior College

One of the core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice is interprofessional communication. Teamwork and collaboration requires that the health professional be able to communicate effectively within the healthcare team for safe and effective care across multiple care settings.

Using the SBAR technique, write a 3-4 page recommendation for the manager of your unit based on the following scenario. Your report should follow the SBAR format, use headings to separate each component. IMPORTANT: Make sure throughout your SBAR report you address the key issues of role clarification, communication, collaboration, and reflection:

SBAR (Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendation) is a technique for communicating critical information that requires immediate attention and action concerning a patient's condition. It is used as a communication technique, shift report hand-off, critical situation call to a provider, in specialty care areas, and as process/quality/improvement.

Situation- Briefly describe the current situation. Give a clear, succinct overview of pertinent issues.

Background-Briefly state the pertinent history. What got us to this point?

Assessment-summarize the facts and give your best assessment. What is going on? Use your best judgment based on your knowledge of roles and responsibilities of health professionals.

4. Recommendations-What actions are you asking for? What do you want to happen next?

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer. For those assignments that are not written essays and require uploading images or PowerPoint slides, please follow uploading guidelines provided by your instructor.

Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to submit your work, click “Upload Submission.” Enter the submission title and then click on “Select a file to upload.” Browse your computer, and select your file. Click “Open” and verify the correct file name has appeared next to Submission File. Click on “Continue.” Confirm submission is correct and then click on “Accept Submission & Save.”


This course has Turnitin fully integrated into the course dropbox. This means that you should only submit your assignments to the dropbox below. Please do not submit your assignment directly to Turnitin.com. 

Once submitted, your assignment will be evaluated by Turnitin® automatically. You will be able to view an Originality Report within minutes of your first submission that will show how much of your work has been identified as similar to other sources such as websites, textbooks, or other student papers. Use your Originality Report as a learning tool to identify areas of your assignment that you may not have cited appropriately. You may resubmit your assignment through this dropbox as many times as you need to check to see if you have made improvements, until the due date of the assignment. However, once you have made your first submission, you will need to wait 24 hours after each subsequent submission to receive a new Originality Report. Plan accordingly as you draft your assignment. Once the due date has passed, your assignment submission will be considered final. 


This assignment will be graded using the HSC124 Written Assignment Rubric located on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here module of this course. Please review this rubric prior to beginning your work. This assignment is worth 30% of your final course grade. 

Successful completion of this assignment meets the following outcomes:

Describe how professional behavior impacts patient centered care. (CO1,CO3)

Demonstrate a method for an interprofessional team to collaborate for a positive outcome (CO4)

PO4: Explain the various roles and responsibilities of health professionals. (AHS)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Trouble at the Excelsior Assisted Living Facility
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Trouble at the Excelsior Assisted Living Facility
Assisted living facilities require healthcare professionals to work at their best to give quality care to the populations living in them (Babiker et al., 2014). There is need for constant medical care and monitoring of such populations since they are vulnerable in various respects. Especially, the elderly need a lot of care for them to be able to conduct various activities of daily living as well as maintaining good health. Therefore, there is need for healthcare professionals to work together to improve the quality of care of those in an assisted living facility. Without such a collaborative, cooperative, and integrative working relationship among healthcare professionals, it will be difficult for residents at an assisted living facility to receive quality care.
At the Excelsior assisted living facility, there was a complain emerging from the residents and their family members arguing about the quality of care being provided. According to the residents, the quality of care that was being provided by the healthcare professionals was of poor quality. Clearly, there was a big problem when it came to the capacity of the healthcare professionals to engage in interprofessional collaboration. There seemed to be a disconnect that affected the quality of care at the facility. The situation of the problem and recommendations to the manager of the unit are presented below using the SBAR format.
Reports at the Excelsior assisted facility indicate that the residents, who are primarily, elderly persons, have been complaining about the quality of care that they are receiving from the facility. The cases of discomfort had reached the families of the residents, thus heightening the problem. The problem at the facility is that the major healthcare professionals working at the facility including the resident nurse, occupational therapist, and physician have not been performing their duties as expected. For example, the residents argued that the resident nurse was not doing enough rounds to check their health statuses. Some highlighted that they had to wait for long before being attended to by the nurse. Additionally, the occupational therapy was accused of not providing enough individual care to cater for the overall wellness of the residents. On the part of the physician, the residents cited that those with terminal illnesses were not receiving quality specialized care to address their health problems. The pertinent issues described above were the leading contributors to the problem at the Excelsior assisted living facility.
The situation at hand has been fueled by a lack of good transition between the former team and the current team. The health care profe...
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