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Thoughts on Culturally Tailored Healthcare in Orthopedics

Essay Instructions:

Watch the video in the link below:

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d). Culturally tailored healthcare in orthopedics. Accessed from: https://thinkculturalhealth(dot)hhs(dot)gov/resources/videos/culturally-tailored-healthcare-in-orthopedics

Reflect on what you have watched and answer the following questions in a 3-page paper:

How have your thoughts about and/or expectations of other cultures changed, if at all, after watching this video?

What changed, if anything?

Describe how Dr. Walker can handle the situation better the next time he encounters Latino patient.

Identify at least one thing an organization can do to improve cultural competence.

Assignment Expectations

Length: 3 pages (excluding the cover page and the reference list).

Assessment and Grading: Your paper will be assessed based on the performance assessment rubric. You can view it under Assessments at the top of the page. Review it before you begin working on the assignment. Your work should also follow these Assignment Expectations.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

BHS 414 CASE 2
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BHS 414 CASE 2
How Have Your Thoughts About And/or Expectations of Other Cultures Changed, If at All, After Watching This Video?
The issue presented in the video has changed my perception concerning the need for healthcare providers to understand the patient's culture, beliefs, and thinking about illness and care. Showing acceptance, respect, and understanding of beliefs while providing care and instruction to accommodate the patient's perception is essential in improving the outcome. In the video, a Latino man called Carlos makes an appointment follow-up. He was complaining of knee pain increasing after surgery. Then, with the pain becoming more intense, he requested a dosage increase for his medication because it prevented him from returning to work. Instead, Dr Walker was not listening and decided to dismiss Carlos's claims, saying he was a drug-seeking patient. Dr Walker did not assess the patient before making his judgment. In addition, he did not recommend alternative treatment for pain management. He then asked the patient to attend another appointment after a month if that was the only concern.
What Changed If Anything?
Transcendentally, my thoughts changed to understand that Latinos have a different health culture. The common language they speak is Spanish. However, Carlos was able to express himself fluently and understand English. They are passionate and always try to communicate in close spaces, as the video shows. They are hard-working people who take pride in their jobs. They strongly believe in being healthy, happy, having a good appetite, and being able to work, while having a strong tie with their family is considered beneficial to their well-being and health.
In my opinion, having cultural diversity in healthcare is significant. Healthcare providers should be able to understand this style of communication when talking to their patients. It should be backed by a proper understanding of language, physical and mental ability, behaviour, and ethnicity. In light of the expectations and thoughts of other cultures, health providers need to become more racially and ethically diverse. They should reflect on and respond to patients' varying perspectives, beliefs, behaviours, and values. Otherwise, the failure to manage and understand the social-cultural differences in health care systems may create significant consequences for a particular group of patients.
Describe How Dr Walker Can Handle the Situation Better the Next Time He Encounters a Latino Patient
In the case of Dr Walker, next time, he should handle the Latino patient better and act culturally competent. He should listen and acknowledge that his patient is not a drug-seeking patient. Instead, he should see that the patient is desperate to seek help concerning his intense pain. The patient, Carlos, needs t...
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