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Think Nursing and Goal Setting

Essay Instructions:

Read Alligood (2022) Chapter 14. Orem states there is a need for a nursing language that is enabling for thinking nursing and articulating with other disciplines and for communicating nursing to others in nursing practice situations. In your initial post, while maintaining confidentiality, describe what you think it means to "think nursing"? Give an example of nursing language and describe how it is effective for nursing communication. What barriers have you experienced in communicating nursing to others?

Read Alligood (2022) Chapter 15. King discusses the goal setting process. In your initial post, while maintaining confidentiality, share a clinical experience where goal setting was or would have been helpful. What consequences did you experience because of missed goals? What level of insistence can a nurse use for pursuit of a goal?

Alligood 2022 book 10th edition

Chapter 14


Chapter 15


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Chapter 14
According to Orem theory, patients recover more quickly and effectively when they feel that they have retained some level of independence (Berbiglia, 2017). Thus, patients feel that they are able to provide some form of self-care and this quickens their recovery rate. According to Lamb (2018), "think nursing" entails critically thinking about an issue before making a decision. It also involves using a logical and purposeful way of thinking in the medical field. Thus, healthcare providers ensure that as they give ideas on what they think should be done, they have critically and logically thought about it. They should therefore ensure that they are involving patients in the goal-setting process for their recovery. Through this, the patients feel that they have retained some form of self-care ability, and this helps them better recover from a given illness.
Furthermore, Orem theory demonstrates that when a nurse is assisting a patient, this primarily entails guiding the patient on what to do and providing an environment that allows a patient's recovery goals to be met (Berbiglia, 2017). Thus, thinking like a nurse entails not only evaluating matters; it is about drawing upon evidence-based research and even a patient's past experiences. When ensuring that the nurse is providing the necessary aid to the patient for a better recovery, various nursing language may be used. An example of nursing language includes intervention and diagnosis of given diseases. Nursing language is deemed significant in nursing communication since it is used to share information between nurses and other health care providers. Thus, as the nurse is helping the patient attain the goal of recovering completely, various nursing terms are bound to be used.
Furthermore, a nurse has a responsibility to support the patient in their journey of recovery, and this entails communicating nursing. However, when communicating nursing to other people, some barriers are experienced. An example of key barrier includes lack of understanding by patients of some of the terms used. Thus, although the intent is to make sure that the patient recovers quickly, some of the advice given may not be fully understood. The other barrier that may hinder one from communicating nursing to others is the lack of a standard nursing language in the electronic records. Some electronic records may lack certain terminologies which are essential in ensuring that all details about the patient's diagnosis, intervention, and clinical outcome are recorded (Berbiglia, 2017). Thus,...
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