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Therapeutic Alliance and Its Resulting Methods and Interventions

Essay Instructions:

As a care coordinator in a local hospital, you have been asked to meet with a 90-year-old female patient who was recently admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and frequent falls. During your initial visit with the patient, you meet her 50-year-old daughter. There is a significant language barrier with both the patient and the daughter, as well as low health literacy. There does not appear to be any additional family to contact. You have been able to determine they are from South America and have been in the United States for less than a year. They are currently homeless, with no source of income, and living in a rural area with minimal resources.

You are tasked with maintaining a therapeutic alliance and getting your client the services she needs.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Discuss the patient’s immediate needs and referrals for services in preparation for discharge.

B. Describe how the patient’s understanding of her medical condition and her available options to care will be assessed.

C. Explain how the patient’s location, background, and life circumstances will affect outcomes.

D. Describe methods that you could use to understand this family’s communication style and culture better to enhance your professional relationship.

E. Describe the effect social determinants of health have on this patient’s health by doing the following:

1. Identify the barriers this patient faces related to social determinants of health.

2. Identify the gaps between clinical care for the patient and community resources.

F. Explain strategies to engage community relationships with stakeholders to support the patient in the scenario.

G. Analyze two national standards of Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) applicable to the patient’s health disparities in the scenario.

H. Recommend an evidence-based intervention that includes the following:

• Community involvement

• Cultural considerations

• Improves an identified health disparity.

I. Describe community resources to support patient adherence to potential lifestyle changes after discharge, with consideration of the patient’s cultural norms.

J. Discuss information that could be provided to the hospital that would decrease the cultural misunderstandings regarding the immigrant population and help the hospital understand the needs of this population.

1. Describe the community resources that might be accessed to support and sustain the hospital’s cultural intelligence development.

2. Describe two accreditation standards, laws, professional standards, or funding requirements that relate to cultural intelligence.

K. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Therapeutic Alliance
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Therapeutic Alliance
The 90-year-old female patient may be having a co-morbid disease or inter-current illness that is causing her respiratory issues. Besides, her instability may be the result of a single disease process or the accrued effect of several impairments. The patient’s immediate needs are her breathing difficulties and instability. The elderly patient requires a systematic respiratory assessment given the high susceptibility of geriatric populations to respiratory infections including pneumonia and aspiration. She also requires an assessment of gait and balance impairment in order to understand the somatic diseases that could be impacting her functional dexterity and possible solutions to the same. The patient should therefore be referred to a health care center that can conduct both assessments and provide appropriate care.
The patient’s understanding of her medical condition and her available options of care will be assessed by first demonstrating genuine interest, respect, warmth, and empathy in a nonjudgmental and nonthreatening manner. A bilingual and bicultural clinician is critical to establishing confidence and mutual trust so as to allow the patient to open up about symptomatic conditions (Baggett et al., 2010). The patient’s understanding of her medical condition and her available options to care will then be assessed by asking questions. Simple questions are an effective tool to assessing whether a patient comprehends their medical status and options: the accuracy of the patient’s answers will help determine understanding and knowledge of medical condition and available options. The patient will be encouraged to ask questions and asked to explain her condition and options comprehensively in her own words.
The patient’s rural location may adversely affect health outcomes owing to challenges in accessibility of health care services or clinicians, adverse social determinants (like lower employment opportunities, limited health education resources, and higher poverty levels), as well as higher incidences of risky behaviors like alcohol use and tobacco smoking. Her background may pose significant linguistic and cultural barriers when accessing health care services. She may have difficulty communicating her needs or understanding prescribed treatment, especially in rural hospitals where there is a limited number of multicultural staff. The patient is also homeless and therefore she may have trouble finding someone to consistently support her in getting to appointments, seeking care, and obtaining medications. Her limited support networks means that she may not also have someone to help her recognize symptoms of worsening conditions or health complications.
One of the methods I would use to understand the family’s communication style and culture better to improve my professional relationship is by familiarizing myself with the culturally inappropriate gestures as well as body language in order to avoid any misunderstandings. When using an interpreter, I will choose to speak directly to the patient and their caregiver rather than the interpreter in a slow and clear manner so as to create a genuine connection and reinforce existing rapport. I will also check for understanding by asking the patient to explain back to me through the interpreter what I have just communicated. Moreover, using culturally and linguistically appropriate written materials will help improve communication and the professional relationship between myself and the patient.
Some of the barriers the patient faces related to social determinants of health include language and cultural obstacles, low health literacy, inadequate social networks, poverty, unemployment, and inadequate health care services and resources given the fact that she is living in a rural area with minimal resources. The fact that her social support networks only consist of her daughter, who may have her own family and therefore limited time to care for her mother, may present challenges in terms of ensuring regular appointment visits and adherence to treatment regimen. It is also going to be challenging to monitor signs of worsening health or even preventing falling. One of the gaps between clinical care for the patient and community resources relates to the poor access to health care services and specialist professionals catering to geriatric health care needs. In rural regions, access to specialist health care is difficult and transportation may also be a challenge. Another gap is delayed clinical presentation: the fact that the patient has a small support network means that there is a high probability she may not maintain regular checkups or promptly address urgent health issues.
The first strategy to engaging community relationships with stakeholders to support the patient in the scenario is facilitating partnerships between the referral community clinic an...
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