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The Younger Generation is Highly Vulnerable to Depression

Essay Instructions:

In this assignment, students will pull together the capstone project change proposal components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Develop a 2,500-4,000 written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:


Clinical problem statement.

Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.

PICOT question.

Literature search strategy employed.

Evaluation of the literature.

Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.

Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.

Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.

Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.

Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.

Appendix section, for evaluation tools and educational materials, etc. are created.

Review the feedback from your instructor on the PICOT Question Paper, and Literature Review. Use this feedback to make appropriate revisions to these before submitting.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


expand Revisions Incorporated as Directed by Instructor assessment

Revisions Incorporated as Directed by Instructor

8 points

expand Background assessment


8 points

expand Clinical Problem Statement assessment

Clinical Problem Statement

8 points

expand Purpose of Change Proposal (B) assessment

Purpose of Change Proposal (B)

8 points

expand PICOT Question assessment

PICOT Question

8 points

expand Literature Search assessment

Literature Search

8 points

expand Evaluation of Literature assessment

Evaluation of Literature

8 points

expand Change or Nursing Theory assessment

Change or Nursing Theory

8 points

expand Implementation Plan and Outcome Measures assessment

Implementation Plan and Outcome Measures

16 points

expand Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Intervention Plan (B) assessment

Use of Evidence-Based Practice in Intervention Plan (B)

16 points

expand Plan for Evaluating Proposed Nursing Intervention assessment

Plan for Evaluating Proposed Nursing Intervention

8 points

expand Potential Barriers and Plan to Overcome Barriers assessment

Potential Barriers and Plan to Overcome Barriers

8 points

expand Thesis Development and Purpose assessment

Thesis Development and Purpose

11.2 points

expand Development, Structure, and Conclusion assessment

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

11.2 points

expand Evidence assessment


9.6 points

expand Mechanics of Writing assessment

Mechanics of Writing

9.6 points

expand Format/Documentation assessment


Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Younger Generation is Highly Vulnerable to Depression
Mental health issues are currently among the leading causes of death worldwide. Despite being a big issue, they often go unnoticed until the end phase, when a person devastatingly demonstrates the conditions. The world's increasingly difficult socioeconomic situation does not help, and there is a need to look closely at how this menace is rapidly gaining ground among even the most resilient population and health concerns. Mental health problems can affect anyone regardless of age or other aspects. Unfortunately, most cases are realized when the situation has already manifested to a damaging extent.
The younger generation is highly vulnerable to depression, misdirected aggression, violent tendencies, and the stigma associated with mental health. Patients from this population segment suffer from various mental issues, ranging from the most basic refusal to attend school to suicidal thoughts or attempts. I chose this topic to promote mental health stability through communication and education. Working to improve young people with mental health education will provide better coping mechanisms and a foundation to build on as grownups. Whenever these patients are taken to a hospital, healthcare workers are usually the first to contact them. Upon arrival, nurses must build positive rapport and educate them on the necessity of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions. There is a need to change how mental health is viewed in society and to bring more awareness to the community.
There are many areas of focus regarding mental health and stigma, which causes low self-esteem, mood, and eating problems. The Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) is a screening criterion utilized to diagnose the situation using well-articulated and patient-centered questions (Bienenfeld,2019). By 2020, depression was the leading contributor to the global disease burden. One way to alleviate this population's health concern is constantly monitoring it using a nurse-driven protocol. My preceptor and I have been discussing various ways my strategic plan can include healthcare interventions that will result in success and participation from healthcare professionals. This paper will review the literature on how sample literary works have addressed the importance of communication in handling mental health, especially among the youthful segment of the population.
Clinical Problem Statement
Mental health is taken lightly by society, especially in the early stages. However, it has recently continued to have severe effects on the community, particularly in the daily life of this era. Understanding mental health is usually the most effective way toward subsequent management or prevention. More research on mental health is needed to address the underlying factors causing it, including the different ways the illness manifests and its control measures. Mental health can impact all aspects of a person's life. Hence, there is an urgent need to investigate how it is gaining ground and find ways to mitigate and handle it.
Proposal (Intervention and Implementation Plan)
My proposal entails enacting policies that focus on mental health awareness, stigma, and access to support networks. These interventions will help healthcare professionals, community members, and other stakeholders determine which strategies best suit residents' needs. The focus will be to improve communication, increase awareness, and educate people on the importance of recognizing, accepting, and dealing with mental health issues. The goal of informing individuals about effective communication of mental health issues is not to train them to be psychological health experts. Instead, this intervention focuses on initiating programs and offering platforms that will teach individuals to recognize the often unnoticed symptoms that occur at the onset of mental issues and then offer assistance rather than ignore or ridicule.
Strategy 1
I will create flyers and posters that can be posted at different medical offices like my work break room and handouts that can be passed out to hospitals, schools, and local businesses. The content will give information on recognizing and addressing mental health issues, handling involved cases, and encouraging people to post their experiences of mental health illnesses and what they did to get through the situation. The information will insist on initiating conversations, communication, and creating awareness about mental well-being.
Strategy 2
I will provide individuals needing resources with information on clinics and medical facilities to reach out to for help. I will also roll out physical exercise programs for the people willing to participate. Physical exercise is one of the ways individuals can use to keep their minds occupied and healthy. This will encourage those who have self-awareness and know they are experiencing mental health disruptions to seek help or initiate personal situational changes.
Plan to Overcome Barriers
I aim to remove people’s barriers by implementing a beneficial and cost-effective policy for the population. Mental health can be inexpensive to treat and with minimum resources when the symptoms are recognized in the early stages.
The Objectives and Purpose of the Change Proposal About Providing Patient Care in the Changing Healthcare System
The cultural aspects of mental health are critical in assisting nurses in acknowledging the patient's perception of mental health and its management. Psychological problems occur in all societies and cultures, with the symptoms’ phase, intensity, and nature varying (Clay, 2013). Factors such as stigma, beliefs about the disease, the type of support structure, and cultural influences significantly impact disease management. It is critical to customize nursing interventions to patients’ personal and cultural aspects. The proposed interventions to improve mental health have the objectives listed below.
* Promote a Positive Attitude Toward Mental Health Management
The first objective involves promoting a positive attitude toward mental health management by recognizing the early onset of symptoms, reporting side effects, and taking medications on a regular and timely basis, as well as following up to aid in the management and medication compliance.
* Reducing the Stigma Associated with Mental Health
The growing stigma surrounding mental and psychological health issues is worrying. This can make it difficult for those struggling with the condition to open up and ask for help. Encouraging equality among the affected, showing them compassion, choosing empowerment over shame, and being honest about the treatment comprise some of the interventions used to reduce stigma (Clay, 2013).
* Ensure a Support System is in Place
A support system is essential to the success of any individual dealing with mental health issues. It provides the necessary backbone for recovery. Mentally ill patients require strict guidance and psychological support to deal with the mental fatigue and challenges they face daily. The support system should help them to be accountable for the treatment and be more informed about the disease. Interacting with people with the same condition helps patients understand their situation better. A healthy support system also incorporates appropriate therapeutic support and programs (Clay, 2013).
PICOT Question
In the youthful population, what is the effect of communication on mental health compared with improved health over the long term?
Evaluation of Literature
Compared to previous research questions on mental health, the current research question is appropriate and in line with the emerging concerns about mental health in the young population. For example, Eckert et al. (2022) focused on the potential mental health issues that young adults face, particularly during adolescence, and the difficulties they frequently encounter in seeking and receiving help. On the other hand, Gibson et al. (2019) emphasize the importance of communication in dealing with mental health among the youth to prevent self-harm or suicide.
There is also a great emphasis on the importance of communication within the family setup (Mulligan et al., 2021). It creates an outlet channel through which a child can freely express themselves. As a communication medium, social media can be beneficial and detrimental because it can be part of mental health solutions and cause psychological problems (Dempsey et al., 2022). For inst...
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