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The Role of the Nurse Leader

Essay Instructions:

This will be the final paper from week 1 - 4 combining them together adding the nurse leaders role. I will attach the 4 papers from the last 4 weeks. Please read below:

Consider and discuss the nurse leader’s role at each stage of your project. In your introductory paragraph to the paper, summarize the nurse leader’s role in your project in regard to:

Defining / identifying / assessing the problem or issue (from Week 1)

Determining the scope / frequency of the problem (from Week 2)

Providing support for research and the need for the change (from Week 3)

And supporting with planning and implementation of the project (from Week 4)

In separate sections of the paper (organized using APA Level 1 headings), identify the actions that a nurse leader would take with regards to the following:

Communication with stakeholders



Change management

Include a specific change management theory that is appropriate to this project, and why it is applicable.

What authority do they have?

You must cite two scholarly references other than the text to support your assertions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nurse Leader Roles
Nurse Leader Roles Introduction             Nurse leaders can play a big role in identifying and assessing CLABSI by assuming educator roles and employing demonstration-based proficiency to enhance nurses’ knowledge of the complication. Staff education is a critical way nurse leaders can help in defining, identifying, and assessing the problem. A useful way nurse leaders can help in determining the scope and frequency of CLABSI in healthcare institutions is through outcome and process performance measures. Outcome measures entail collecting outcome measure data to assess CLABSI rates in a patient population while process measures involve evaluating adherence to best practices in preventing CLABSIs, starting with high priority practices to low priority practices. Nurse leaders can also provide support for research and the need for change by stressing the guideline recommendations for preventing CLABSI including maintaining hand hygiene, avoiding the femoral site as much as possible, applying chlorhexidine skin preparation, ensuring a sterile field when inserting the line, and using full-barrier precautions during central venous catheter insertion (Saint, Kowalski, Holl, & Forman, 2010). Additionally, they can also provide support with planning and implementation of improvement strategies through frequent and effective communication, fostering a team culture, identifying and empowering exemplary staff members, and providing positive feedback and reinforcement. Communication with Stakeholders Nurse leadership involves advocacy and negotiation in all roles and domains of nursing practice including clinical, academic, research, and policy settings. It is not restricted to formal, appointed positions but also happens in the informal roles that nurses assume. At the basic level, nurse leaders are expected to communicate with patients about hospital policies and also serve as their advocates. Nurse leaders are always interacting with the patients and are therefore in a better position to understand patients’ wants and preferences more than doctors or even hospital administrators. Consequently, they can communicate patients’ problems, experiences, and needs to attending physicians as well as the hospital managers. Nurse leaders also constantly cooperating with other nurses and serve a mediating role between frontline staff and institutional administrators. They are responsible for communicating managerial policies to their peers and enforcing change. At the same, they have a duty to communicate staff issues to hospital executives including such matters as budget allocation, policy prioritization, and shift times (Ennis, Happell, Broadbent, & Searl, 2013). Moreover, nurse leaders are also in a position to advice policymakers of the hospital. Given their extensive experience and numerous mediating roles, nurse leaders are in the best position to communicate and advise the board of directors about policies related to safety regulations, working conditions, health care reform, funding, and etcetera. Nurse leaders can also regularly communicate with research bodies and national policymakers about ways of improving nursing practice and addressing those issues that affect both nurses and patients. Training The nursing profession views leadership and mentorship (training) as an integrated phenomena. Nurse leaders have a duty to cultivate mentoring relationships with frontline staff and should lead and direct the latter to improved understandings of professional practices and policies. Given their vast knowledge and strong professional networks, nurse leaders are in a good position to share their experience and knowledge with the less skilled entry-level nurses (McCloughen, O'Brien, & Jackson, 2013). Nurse leaders should lead education initiatives geared towards improving the implementation of evidence based practices in their workplaces. They are responsible for educating staff nurses about evidence based care and how to apply the same at the bedside. Training can be carried out using both subtle coaching and direct supervision. Nurse leaders can also assume different trainer roles to meet the needs of their subordinates including teacher-coach, eye-opener, problem solver, supporter, career counsellor, envisioner, challenger, feedback giver, door opener, confidante, idea bouncer, and inspirer. In addition to serving as a teacher, coach, ...
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