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Sumayah Fadil, Nathan Doyle, TianYe Mei, Madison McCrorey Essay

Essay Instructions:

follow the guide proposal guide to write the result section of the research proposal paper


instructions: As a team you will write an APA-style research proposal paper. This paper will include the following:

  • An introduction that:  Sumayah
    • introduces the reader to the client's request and to the research question that your team hopes to answer
    • provides a comprehensive review of the literature on this topic including gaps in the present literature (this portion will be made up of the revised literature review that you completed)
    • concludes with information about how your research study will fill the gaps in the literature and each of the specific hypotheses of your study
    • A Methods section that:  Nathan
      • describes the participants in the study
      • describes the study design
      • describes the study materials
      • describes the study procedures
      • A Proposed Results section that: Anthony
        • thoroughly describes each of the expected results of your proposed study
        • A Client Recommendation section that: Madison
          • synthesizes the major findings from the literature and the gaps that your study aims to address
          • synthesizes the main results you expect to find from your study and the ways in which your study contributes to the extant literature, and helps to address the client's question
          • provides a clear recommendation to the client based on a) the past literature and b) the expected results of your study. Remember that you are a consultant who has been hired by this client. Based on the literature and the expected results of your study, what would you recommend to your client? This client request should be written formally and should cover each aspect of their initial question.
          • An APA- style reference section

Assignment Format:

  • Put the name of every team member at the top of the page
  • Number your pages (position the page number at the top right corner of each page)
  • Use 1-inch margins
  • Use Arial size 12 font
  • Use 1.5 or 2pt spacing
  • Indent the start of every paragraph
  • Do not include extra spaces between paragraphs

Your research proposal paper is due on Monday November 9 by 11:59PM.

Your revised research proposal is due on Monday November 23 by 11:59PM.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Sumayah Fadil, Nathan Doyle, TianYe Mei, Madison McCrorey
We are conducting a research study on the psychological effects of maternity leave. Our client, Brynn Kitt wants to know if extending the 8-week maternity and paternity leave policy would have a positive effect on the parents, children and ultimately the company. Our research question is: how does the length of maternity leave effect the emotional wellbeing, future mindedness and economic anxiety in mothers? There is a lot of information in the literature about maternity leave and the effect is has on mother’s physical and mental health. There is a certain amount of time given to mothers after giving birth that is used to heal and take care of the newborn. The present literature discusses the implications of maternity leave policy on quality of care, postpartum depression, maternal physical health and child-related symptoms. Overall, the research gathered focused on the mother’s health and child’s health. Gaps in the present literature include too much focus on the negative outcomes of different interventions. Our study adds to the literature by looking examiningat the positive long-term effects of maternity leave. Additionally, our study focuses on women from different backgrounds, specifically, different socioeconomic statuses. We hypothesized that the emotional wellbeing, future mindedness, and economic anxiety of mothers will be positively affected by an extension on the length of maternity leave.
Methods Section:
Participants were women 18 years of age or older that who have recently given birth. Around 1000 participants will be needed for results. Participants will be asked by a physician if they are interested in sharing their emotional experience. Participants will be given anonymous surveys to complete during their doctors' visits. The surveys will be completed on iPads. Participants will be compensated for their time with gift baskets that contain a variety of parental needs.
The design is a simple bivariate correlation study. The independent variable is the length of leave. The dependent variable is emotional wellbeing, specifically the future-mindedness and economic anxiety of mothers. No manipulation is needed in this study.
The research data gathered will be from survey-based practices requiring only reflection on participant experiences. Stimuli were not used for this study. A quality-of-life survey will measure a variety of individual parameters such as workplace happiness, housing outlook, mental well-being, and community stability. A Likert scale will additionally ask more specific questions regarding feelings of fulfillment, personal outlook and workplace anxiety. Surveys will be anonymous and only identified by length of maternity leave noted by participant.
Prior to participating in the study, all pParticipants are will first be approached by a physician in asked if they would participate in this study by a physician in a hospital while where they are receiving postnatal care. Participants will be asked if they would like to participate in this study. The participants will be made aware that the study is anonymous, that it will take about a half an hourhalf of an hour of their timeto complete, and that they will be compensated for their time with a gift basket containing paternal supplies. When Once participants agree to participate, they will be given a consent form to fill out. While completing the consent form participants will and be made aware that there this study does not involve is no deception involved in this study, just honest reflection. Participants will then be given two surveys that they can fill out. Both surveys will require participants to record the length of maternity leave the individual had at the top of the surveys for recording. The first survey will be a general quality of life survey. Once complete they will complete a Likert scale that will be asking more specific emotional questions about their life. Once completed, surveys will be collected, and gift baskets will be given to the participants. A short debriefing will take place in which the participant will be educated on what the study is measuring, and all consent forms will be kept in a secure location in file.
As stated earlier, this research focuses on the relationship between parental leave and its effects on parents' wellbeing. By using a Likert-type scaleThrough the use of surveys, we are assessing their wellbeing based relative to theoff of the parental-leave policies of their workplaces , including state policiesas well as the state policies that support them. The researchersAccordingly, iIt is expected that results of the study would show that the mother’spaternal well-being (DV)maternal emotional wellbeing, future mindedness and economic anxiety will beare positively affected as the quality (i.e., allowances and benefits) and quantity (i.e., length) of parental leave improves (IV). ir maternity leave increases.
In this research, it was initially hypothesized that the extension of maternity leave would improve the emotional wellbeing, future mindedness and economic anxiety of mothers in the United States. The researchers designed the research in such a way that the extension of maternity leave is the independent variable (IVDV), and the psychological wellbeing is the independent variable (DIV). Accordingly, based on the literature review and the research design, the researchers expect that the results on the independent variables would be overall positive. as the quality (IV1) and quantity (IV2) of maternal care (IV) improves, the well-being of parents significantly increases (DV) through the use of a one-ta...
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