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The Four Dimensions of Nursing Practice

Essay Instructions:

Dimensions A- Practice, Ethics, Resources Utilization

Dimension B- Professional Development/Career Development, Performance

Dimension C- Collaboration, Collegiality

Dimension D- Scientific Inquiry: Quality of care, Research

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The Four Dimensions of Nursing Practice
Globally, Registered nurses are vital in ensuring health care is well administered. Proper healthcare administration requires that the registered nurses follow through with certain dimensions of nursing practices as stipulated by the nature of their profession (Kim, 2015). The dimensions of nursing practice validate why the nursing career is distinctively unique. Therefore, this paper focuses on the four dimensions of nursing practice as discussed below.
Dimension A: Practice, Ethics and Resources Utilization
Practice and Ethics: As a registered nurse, one must understand their expected code of conduct and the duties assigned to them since this helps inform their ethical behaviors and practice. The practice of nurses is guided by the duties bestowed upon them by their supervisors (Heather, 2016). Part of these duties includes administering medication, assessing the patients, and offering help to the patients as the need arises. Notably, nursing practice goes in hand with the level of experience one has in their specified field. A good example of how practice is depicted in nursing happened during the corona pandemic, where most of the senior nurses working in the respiratory section in my healthcare facility were immediately designated as charge nurses for the Coronavirus wards. This action was necessitated by their long years of experience in respiratory-related illnesses.
The nursing ethical code of conduct guides the ethical behaviors of nurses. Registered nurses are expected to abide by the stipulated code of ethics. Ethics refers to doing that which is morally right or wrong. The ethical code of conduct mandates nurses to portray high levels of integrity, respect, high professionalism and high value in life. Nurses following through with their ethical codes of conduct have showcased higher chances of delivering high quality of life to the patients they serve. A good example of an ethics code in nursing is privacy and confidentiality. Nurses are expected to keep information regarding their patients’ illnesses private and should never be disclosed to unauthorized persons.
Resource Utilization: Nurses are equally expected to efficiently utilize the resources at their disposal. These include time resources, capital resources, and human resources. In the instance healthcare facilities encounter an influx of patients, nurses are expected to support their fellow nurses by providing extra support to the departments that have an influx by working extra hours, hence providing the needed extra human resource (Kim, 2015). Also, nurses should utilize resources better by ensuring they do not misuse any medical items since they are highly capital intensive and can be used on other patients. A perfect example of ensuring proper resource utilization is using a resource management system in the hospital that looks into whether all the employees are being utilized. This effort ensures that time resource is well utilized.
Dimension B: Professional Development and Performance
Professional Development: Being a prudent and highly recognized nurse requires that the nurse acquires the right skills necessary to undertake difficult nursing roles as they arise. All nurses should hence engage in learning to ensure that they continue to acquire these skills. Learning is a continuous process; hence nurses should not get comfortable after acquiring one certification. Continuance learning ensures that the nurses can keep updated on the current medical trends and the most appropriate evidence-based methodologies to apply in their nursing practice. Nurses should utilize the various workshops and learning programs organized by the healthcare facilities they serve to learn new skills and further develop them (Kim, 2015). Research studies indicate that nurses who have embraced continuous learning have had a better career development journey with instant promotions. Equally, nurses who have advanced their careers through education provide a better quality of care compared to nurses who are not interested in education development due to the knowledge gap. A classic example of professional development happens when a nurse in Oakland's hospital joins Oakland’s Diabetes Nurse Champion Program, which helps them understand various aspects of Diabetes and enables them to assist in the diabetes ward afterward.
Performance: Just like all other professionals, the nursing profession is equally evaluated from time to time. Some of the most common methods used to appraise nurses' performance include using public surveys and regular inspection of the conduct of nurses when providing care. Nurses should strive to ensure that their performance is highly impressive to their supervisors and the patients (Kim, 2015). A nurse with good performance levels is the one who can provide care in the most professional manner, values the patients, follows instructions as given, the one who makes minimal mistakes and is respectful of the patients and other colleagues in the workplace. A good example of a performance evaluation in nursing happens when nurses are evaluated using supervised clinica...
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