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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Drug is Recommended for Maintenance and Restoration of Blood Pressure

Essay Instructions:

Drug Study - Module 8 


 For this week, you will submit a drug study and you are provided a template below.

Maximum of 2 pages (add the references in the last portion of page 2) and make sure it is comprehensive and with at least 3 Mandatory references. 1. Lilley textbook 2.drug guide 3. website

Click the link below to download the template: 

Drug Study Template.docx

Your drug study is: Levophed


1 point - generic name, brand name, picture of the medicatoin

1 point - classification and Indications

1 point - different routes and dosages

2 points - mechanism of action

1 point - contraindications and adverse effects

2 points - nursing considerations (pre, intra, and post)

1 point - Post the drug study (post the actual drug study) in the Blacboard discussion with correct format in the title

1 point - Attached the document file in the same blackboard post 

Total of 10 points. 

No need to submit in the safeassign. No need to comment to other posts. 

1 drug study per student was randomly assigned. Please post it in the discussion board week 8 and attach the file.

When preparing your drug study, make sure it easy comprehensive and when a nurse reads it, she will be confident in administering the medication. What is nice with this activity is you can download the drug studies of others and keep them handy.

It should be at least 3 references - textbook, drug guide, journals. Make sure the references are not more than 6 years old (2015-2021). No need for in-text citations.

Use Cambria font size 11 (or Times New Roman 12) for all the text in the drug study so everyone is uniform. Use the template above. SINGLE SPACE. You can do bullet format.

References will be size Cambria font size 8 (or Times New Roman 10).

Edit the template and REMOVE the generic and brand name. Change it to the names of the drug assigned to you.  

Please post in the discussion board AND attach the word file. (TAKE NOTE OF THIS)

USE the TEMPLATE provided. You can only post a jpg format picture in the discussion board.

Title of the Post in the discussion board = Generic Name (Brand Name)

Thank you. 



Essay Sample Content Preview:
-1844040-240030Norepinephrine bitartrate Levophed
☒ Sympathomimetic (Lilley et al. (, 2011).
Route and Dosage

Lilley et al. (2011) show that:
IM/IV/SC: 8-12 mcg/min for IV infusion. Repeat 2-4 mcg/min. Titrated to blood pressure
Septic shock and sepsis: 3.3mcg/kg/min
Injectable: 1mg/mL

☐Cardiac arrest, peripheral vascular thrombosis, and profound hypotension. The drug is recommended for maintenance and restoration of blood pressure in all shock or acute hypotensive states, which can occur after myocardial infarction, surgery, hemorrhage, trauma, drug reactions, septicemia, spinal anesthesia, sympathectomy, and septicemia (Drugs, 2020).
Mechanism of Action
☐The drug has a selective vasoconstrictive action which drives the blood from the stagnant or pooled capillaries to the central circulation, thus ensuring that vital functions run smoothly, such as kidneys, heart, and brain. The medication has strong alpha-adrenergic and beta1 effects and minimal beta2 effects, leading to increased heart rate and cardiac output, reduction in pulmonary vascular resistance and renal perfusion, and variable blood pressure effects.
☐Levophed should not be given to people who are hyposensitive to deficits in blood value except as an emergency intervention to maintain cerebral and coronary artery perfusion until the therapy to replace blood volume is completed. Suppose the medication is still administered without replacing the blood volume in the patient. In that case, the following can happen: severe visceral and peripheral vasoconstriction, low systemic blood flow even though the person has normal blood pressure, reduction in urine output, and renal perfusion (Lilley et al. 2011).
Levophed is also dangerous for patients who have peripheral or mesenteric thrombosis due to the risk of increasing the region of infarction or ischemia unless, in the doctor's advice, that the administration of the drug will save the life of the person.
Halothane and cyclopropane anesthetics lead to a rise in cardiac autonomic irritability, making the myocardium more sensitive to the intravenously administered...
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