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The Adolescent Weight Management Program

Essay Instructions:

Goals and Objectives Assignment (FA21)
Based on the program chosen in your Needs Assessment, identify program goals and objectives. Use the following format for this paper. Study chapters 5 and 6 in your text for completion of this paper.
1. Introduction: Using the information in chapter 5 of your text (Health Program Planning and Evaluation), state the working theory of the program you have chosen and briefly describe how it will lead to the desired outcome. State the program theory using both a process theory plan and effect theory plan. Using the chart on page 129 of your text state the intervention type and the level of the public health pyramid chosen for your program.
Program theory is a conceptual plan, with some details about what the program is and how it is expected to work. The comprehensive overview of how the program is to work has various names and forms, including logic model, casual model, outcome line, program model, and action theory. Regardless of the name, they all explain how the program will work.
The process theory sometimes called the theory of action, is made up of two components: the organizational plan and the service utilization plan. Process theory includes inputs, which are part of the organizational plan; Activities, which are part of the service utilization plan; And outputs, which are byproducts of the organizational and service utilization plans. The organizational plan encompasses the nature of the resources needed to implement and sustain the program. The service utilization plan, specifies how to reach the intended audience and deliver the prop grammatic interventions and services to that audience
Effect theory consists of the explanations of how the programmatic interventions will affect the casual factors and moderating or mediating factors of the health problem; It describes the relationship between the problematic interventions and the desired immediate and long-term outcomes for program participants. Three sets of relationships, or theories constitute the effect theory: the theory of casual/determinant factors, the theory of intervention mechanisms, and the theory of outcome to impact.
2. Using chapter 6 as a guide define your stated program goal and at least 3 objectives. Use the Process Objectives: TAAPS or and/or the Effect Objectives: TRACE elements to define your objectives.
Process objectives: TAAPS. The process objectives encapsulate the essentials of the process theories that describe how the program is delivered, focusing on the activities of the program staff members or the program participants. Process objectives ought to have the following elements: Timeframe, Amount of what Activities are done by which Participants/program Staff (TAAPS). TAAPS Objectives can be written in the general format for writing objectives; Process objectives would then state, “by when, which staff member will do what, to what extent”. TAAPS Objectives focus on the actions of participants or on the activities of the program staff members who don't directly cause the effect. Objectives can be identified for the capacity of the infrastructure, as in commonly done in terms of personal qualifications. Capacity objectives are best considered as objectives about the organizational plan.
Effect Objectives: TRACE. Outcome objectives. Effective objectives focus on benefits that program participants will experience as a result of receiving the program interventions. They have the following elements: in what Time frame, what portion of Recipients experience what Amount of which type of Change/Effect (TRACE). TRACE Objectives can be written in the general format for writing objectives; In effect, the objective would then state, “After how much time, how many recipients will experience what amount of which type of change or effect.” The amount refers to how much or what degree of change, which is anticipated by having received a sufficient dosage of the intervention. While T usually refers to the time frame for some objectives, it is more helpful to state the dosage of the intervention rather than the specific number of days, months, or years. The effect theory- most notably, the theories of cause/determinants, of the intervention, and of outcomes - provides the basis for stating interventions, outcome, and impact objectives, remembering that impacts are more appropriately called goals.
Ensure that these reflect your program theory. Use the figure on page 149 to help you achieve this. You may do this in a chart form.
3. Develop the target value and describe the data needs for this target value determined for your program.
Developing a rational target-setting strategy is preferred over guessing. Using a rational approach to setting targets leads to targets that are meaningful from a pragmatic perspective, that are achievable to the extent that they represent the outgrowth of the program theory, and that is based on empirical data.
4. Writing flow and content, grammar, spelling punctuation – free from errors.
The suggested length of this paper is 3-4 pages.

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The Adolescent Weight Management Program uses the Systems Theory, which views the involved participant holistically, considering factors other than the self. The identified problem is the prevalence of overweight/obesity among adolescents in the community. To address this, the program consists of interventions that will educate the participant, alter the external environment into a more enabling and healthier one, and establish reinforcements in the social setting.
The Adolescent Weight Management Program includes interventions on a direct healthcare services level such as individualized exercise programs, dietary plans, counseling, and wellness monitoring for nine months. These aim to promote weight loss in an informed and healthy manner, with proper guidance from medical professionals. One of the Adolescent Weight Management Program objectives is also behavioral changes toward health and wellness among the involved participants. This is an important aspect because this will promote lasting change and a sustainable healthy lifestyle that the participants can carry into adulthood. This will then decrease the risk of having diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, and other obesity-related illnesses. In addition to this, the participant/s who imbibed the knowledge and practice of healthy life will also contribute better as citizens of the community, whether as part of a household or in their respective occupations.
There are possible barriers that may be encountered in the program development and implementation, which may have a huge impact on the health outcomes that the facilitators and stakeholders would want to achieve. However, these can be minimized and possibly eliminated with direct and effective communication with the involved individuals and proper management and delegation of resources and tasks. These barriers include factors such as the limited time and possible conflict with schedules, low level of enthusiasm and participation from the stakeholders, level of adherence of the students with their programs, and the wrong information and misconceptions that the community knows about health and wellness. The resources that will be used to make the program happen are trained medical and allied health professionals who are experienced in dealing with cases of overweight and obesity among adolescents. It is worth emphasizing that the facilitators are carefully chosen to ensure that each is skilled in their own fields and will be beneficial to the team in working towards the set goal and objectives. In addition to this, workforce, funding, evidence-based research information, time, facilities where the interventions will take place, and the supplies and equipment used in the program are other resources essential in developing and implementing the program.
Program Goal and Objectives
Program goal: To promote weight loss and a healthy lifestyle among adolescent students suffering from overweight or obesity in a span of nine months
1317625164465Personal Exercise Program00Personal Exercise Program4699067830Adolescent students (10 to 19 years old) who are overweight/obese, and are in high risk of suffering from obesity-associated illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. 00Adolescent students (10 to 19 years old) who are overweight/obese, and are in high risk of suffering from obesity-associated illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease. 326571415042Adolescent students who are overweight/obeseParents and caregivers of overweight/obese adolescent students00Adolescent students who are overweight/obeseParents and caregivers of overweight/obese adolescent students
47738813585691314615363855School’s Healthy and Fresh Section00School’s Healthy and Fresh Section
3265714190071# of exercise programs# of diet plans# of Doctor’s prescription# of personal monitoring sheetsAttendance sheets...
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