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Teenage Pregnancy and the Effective Ways to Curb It

Essay Instructions:

What have you identified as a major concern/issue in your community? What strategies would you implement to assist your community with their well-being?

(Utilize your Text book as a guide and any polices and or strategic plans/policies your found in your research)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Teenage Pregnancy
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Teenage Pregnancy.
Today, the primary issue facing our community is teenage pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs in girls aged 20 and below. Sexually active adolescents place themselves at risk of being pregnant every day, resulting in a high rate of unplanned pregnancies in schools. About 16 million girls of age 15 to 19 years get pregnant every year. High pregnancy rates are linked to early marriages, poverty, alcohol, and drugs which influence sexual behavior, lack of education, lack of education of contraceptives, peer pressure, rape, and inappropriate knowledge of sex among teenagers. In addition, teenagers face barriers such as restrictive laws that restrict a certain age from getting contraceptives, and the inability to access the contraceptives increases the chances of teen pregnancy. We will further discuss why pregnancy among adolescents is a concern in the community and the strategies that would assist address it.
Teen pregnancy is an issue in our community. We must talk about it as a common public health concern that distresses the mother and child's health and educational, social, and economic future. Teenagers are unlikely to get prenatal care as they are embarrassed and afraid to give birth to premature babies. Other risks are giving birth to children underweight, postpartum depression, infant mortality, and the risk of contracting STDs. Teen pregnancy leads to girls dropping out of school, and lack of education means a workforce that is not prepared to meet the modern economy (Jones, 2021). In addition, when teenage mothers' children grow up, they are more likely than most kids to have health and neurological disorders and be neglected or abused. Othe...
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