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Techniques In Providing Effective Care And Issues And Limitations To Positive Caring

Essay Instructions:

2500 word report - Introduction to Effective CaringLooking at quality of life, key caring techniques, and positive caring. Write about four to six factors of each, and then how they relate to each other. You can use sub-headings to structure your work. You are encouraged to use the template.

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Introduction to effective caring
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Health and social care are compositions of two systems that execute duties mutually to establish and carry out care within their services for individuals requiring need. Health care is under the NHS (National Health Service), a government organization. On the other hand, social care is under the responsibility of the local authorities' social services, whereby the individuals who are dependent on it stay. While the NHS lays excellent focus on the health sector, the social services comprise multiple agencies and organizations, including child protection services, charity organizations, youth work rights, and residential services. The health and social services provide support services across all ages, from children to grown-up adults. It is provided that no one is limited to receive support services from the health and social departments provided they meet the minimum requirements for those requiring the needs (Waverijn et al., 2017).
This report aims to analyze the basic requirements for providing the best possible effective care to those in need of personal and social care. Besides, the essay will examine the factors that determine the critical techniques required for the best possible care to vulnerable individuals to achieve a high quality of life. This report will also draw into the various contemporary issues and limitations to positive caring to determine modern society's progress towards providing proper social and health care to vulnerable individuals. Also, the significance of practical caring will be tackled in this report.
Quality of Life
According to the WHO, Quality of Life is referred to as the perception of an individual concerning their position in life while taking into consideration their culture and value systems that they reside in against their goals, expectations, standards, and concerns (Fallowfield, 2009). It is tough to measure a high quali04ty of life because many of the measures that determine a high quality of life are limited in their capacity to capture the specific quality of life in individuals.
Key Caring Techniques
Freeman establishes the mind gap on some of the primary crucial skills and techniques essential in providing healthy, caring support to dependent individuals. First, to offer the best care, practitioners must gain a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the health background of their clients. Besides, establishing a good relationship and rapport with the clients makes the whole care process easy and effective. Similarly, good communication and observation contribute significantly to providing adequate and best possible care to clients. Understanding and establishing the right communications skills by the social and health care workers is regarded as a crucial aspect of health since it enables them to exchange information between their clients and their family members. Effective communication plays a major enhancing factor in establishing a healthy relationship between those receiving care and those receiving it. Pieces of research have indicated that clients and patients of health and social care mainly depend on their health care professional or family members for obtaining and delivering information during their early service years (Northouse et al., 2012). Caregivers should have essential listening, questioning, responding, and understanding skills without intimidating or intruding into the lives of the dependent clients.
Positive caring
Positive caring entails enhancing the well-being of an individual and bringing joy into their lives. Care is considered to be positive if it turns out to be appropriate to those requiring the services and delivered by the right person, promptly, and at the right place (Radunović et al., 2007).
Factors required for individuals to have a high quality of life
Various research pieces have proposed that the quality of life can be considered the standard measure of expectations required to be attained to live a good life with dignity in society. Such expectations are related to the cultural dimensions of an individual since every person has their own unique set of perceptions on the type of factors that dictate their quality of life. For instance, some individuals may argue or believe that their success in accumulating wealth determines the quality of their life. In contrast, another set of persons can say that their quality of life is influenced by the status of their physical and emotional wellbeing (Felce,1997). In other terms, some people consider wealth as the quality of life, with others regarding their overall body health as a measure of their quality of life. The following are some of the factors required for one to have a high-quality life.
Among the spearheading factors that determine an individual’s quality of life is their overall health. In many circumstances, illnesses and diseases can cause interference to the plans of an individual by offering restrictions in pursuance of their goals and aspirations. However, suppose persons have excellent physical health. In that case, they have the capacity and opportunity to live up to their maximum potential, achieve their goals and dreams and hence, improve their quality of life. Besides, emotional wellbeing is dependent on the physical health of an individual (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). It is almost certain that poor physical health may result in unhappy minds. This is often the case because ill people are usually dissatisfied with life contrary to the demands of a 'high-quality life' that requires a person to be very satisfied with their life. A sense of fulfillment and satisfaction is typically needed to live a 'good' life. In a situation whereby a person is conflicted due to their emotional and physical stability, it is difficult to attain a typical 'good' life for such an individual. Such instability affects the social aspect of life that influences the quality of life. People with poor emotional health are highly likely to suffer from social awkwardness, anxiety, and insecurity, diminishing the quality of one's life (Coverdale and Long, 2015).
Economic and physical safety
A person is considered to be living a quality life if they have the economic capacity to afford their daily needs. This is not to say that living under a deficit of requirements cannot be considered a quality life but living without the financial ability to afford the basic needs cannot be termed to be a ‘quality life. Similarly, physical safety involves living without being subjected to physical harm or injury. A quality life is free of physical damage or injury.
Governance and basic rights
Governance involves the application of the rule of law by the government in place. A stable existence of a government ensures that people enjoy their fundamental human rights, such as the right to life. Working governance in place that protects and ensures that human rights are respected implies the presence of high-quality life (Martínez-Muñoz et al., 2019). On the other hand, without government and the rule of law, fundamental human rights cannot be respected. Hence, high quality of life cannot be attained.
Education can either be formal or informal. Through education, one is able to develop an understanding of everything happening around us. Besides, education teaches what is right and wrong, and one is therefore well-positioned to make the right choice concerning life decisions (Schalock et al., 2002). Education promotes good living standards and healthy living as one can choose their diet well as well as follow proper lifestyle techniques that enable a high-quality life.
Religious consciousness
Besides, research has associated religious involvement with longer lifespans and improved health status of minds (McFadden, 1999). According to such sources, a person's participation in religious activities allows the person to participate in ceremonies and organizations that encourage unity in society and improve the quality of life. Religion encourages good deeds and discourages immoral acts, which help boost the quality of life. Notwithstanding, religion teaches that life has a purpose, which gives individuals an opportunity to feel contented and satisfied with life. Since faith is associated with the social heritage, it is also linked to cultural dimensions of society; hence, the quality of life can be influenced by the community in which one resides. For instance, in a religious community, the quality of life is highly dependent on how one fulfills their spiritual goals. In contrast, in a non-religious society, the quality of life depends on the surroundings' environmental state (Galek et al., 2007).
Caring techniques
There are various caring techniques in the social and healthcare life that encourage patients and make them feel happy and energized.
This technique involves incorporating mental abilities with attitudes through information acquired through sensory organs such as sight, smelling, hearing, and taste. Noticing is considered a playful way of taking an interest in another person. Through seeing, one is open to observing other dimensions such as dressing styles, facial expressions, voice tone, emotional variations, personality, hobbies, and interpersonal relationships ((Basdell, 2017). This caring technique helps caregivers understand their patients and offer them the best social and health care.
Compassion is considered the provision of care through empathy, respect, and dignity. This is an extraordinary caregiving technique as it is a crucial determinant of how people perceive their care. The quality of care provided is directly proportional to the quality of treatment (Corrigan, 2015). The people in need of care desire to be treated kindly through respect and dignity. Besides, such people need a listening ear as they don't want to tell their stories to every caregiver they meet. This implies that showcasing empathy and sensitivity and comprehending the individual needs of those req...
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