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Techniques for Maintaining a Successful Risk Management Program

Essay Instructions:

This assignment builds on the review of risk management in the "Elements of a Risk Management Program" assignment.
In a 1,250 word paper, discuss techniques for maintaining a successful risk management program by doing the following:
Refer to chapter 7, "Techniques for Managing Safety," in Risk Management in Healthcare Institutions: Limiting Liability and Enhancing Care.
Identify two major categories of risk in your health care organization
Explain how you would apply the three elements of risk management that you selected in the "Elements of a Risk Management Program" assignment.
RUBIC:Identification of Two Major Categories of Risk in Your Health Care Organization. Explain How You Would Apply the Three Elements of Risk Management that You Selected in the "Elements of a Risk Management Program" Assignmen.
Organization and Effectiveness
Thesis Development and Purpose
Argument Logic and Construction
Read Chapters 7 in Risk Management in Healthcare Institutions: Limiting Liability and Enhancing Care.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Risk Management
Institutional Affiliation
The element of healthcare risk management has essentially focused on patient safety and the prevention of losses. It is however, essential to note that risk management approaches are applicable across all the areas of the healthcare operations. Risk management therefore, involves the activities and policies that are employed within a health institution with the aim of reducing the exposure to liabilities (Cole, Chaudhary, & Bang, 2014). In other words, the management of risks ensures that an organization saves its financial reliability and ensures that appropriate measures are in place to introduce safety within the health institution.
It is therefore, critical to determine that the health institutions have the mandate of determining the risk factors within their organization through an approach that identifies the indicators, study the trends in the occurrences and undertake approaches aimed at monitoring and mitigating such risks (Cole. et.al, 2014). Sources have determined that risks are the occurrences that take place within a health facility that are neither consistent with the functions or the routines of the health facility and its patients and negative effects of threatens the lives and comfort of the patients, employees, and their visitors. This paper therefore, seeks to determine some of the techniques required in the management of risks in a health institution through limiting the liabilities involved and enhancing appropriate care approaches.
Categories of Risks in our Health Care Organization
As determined, risk management entails the process through which barriers which may deter an organization from providing safe, excellent, effective and efficient care are identified. Risks within a health institution may result when changes in the manner in which services are delivered are affected (Cole. et.al, 2014). The central aim of risk management, in this case, is to safeguard the risks that are identified early and undertake approaches aimed at managing and controlling them with the aim of reducing their impacts. It is, in this case, essential to determine that some of the categories of risks experienced in our health facility, therefore, include:
Patient Safety
The patients remain the heart of our services, a factor that determines the fact that identifying the risks associated in providing quality care to them is managed. This ensures that our medical facility undertakes approaches aimed at identifying some of the areas that have been compromised that may hamper or cause harm to the patients and determine methods of managing such issues (Mulligan, Shapiro, & Walrod, 2010). I achieving this, our organization developed an essential plan through which safety issues identified would be reported early to ensure that safety measures would be put in place to reduce the risks that would occur.
In the event that the outcome of care is not achieved, the organizations also carry out investigations through the root cause analysis approach to establishing the rationale behind an issue and the processes that can be put in place to improve the safety standards. This requires the Risk Management and Patient Safety teams to consistently and closely work together with other corporate units and the clinical teams in identifying the risks, acting as the resource agents and providing measures and support on their management (Mulligan, et.al. 2010). Our medical institution has also developed close ties with the patient experiences, performance and complaints in identifying from the feedbacks of the patients in determining some of the key issues.
Personal Loss Exposures
Since the financial ...
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