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Select a target population with a specific health issue- HIV AIDS

Essay Instructions:


Specific health issue - HIV AIDS

For this assignment, you are to select a target population with a specific health issue HIV/AIDS and research how social, cultural, and behavior factors of the target population contribute to health outcomes associated with the health issue. The 1,200-1,500 word Research Paper must be including the following: for the purpose of this paper

Health issue - HIV AIDS (Public Health Issue -HIV AIDS)

1. Introduction: Provide a concise synopsis of the purpose of the paper and a general introduction to the target population and the health issue.

2. Target Population: Provide a description about the target population that you have selected; provide demographic information about the population; and discuss relevant social, cultural, and behavior factors that affect this population.

3. Health Issue: Provide information discussing the health issue that you have selected; include a history of knowledge and public health understanding regarding the health issue; how it has evolved; biological and epidemiological information related to the disease; and major social, cultural, and behavior factors that affect or relate to the health issue.

4. Relationship Between Health Issue and Target Population: Analyze how social, cultural, and behavior factors in the target population contribute to the health issue; and identify what factors/characteristics are positive or negative and which behaviors/practices/beliefs serve as risk factors or protective factors.

5. Current Strategies/Interventions: Discuss existing programming to prevent or reduce the health issue within the target population and challenges to interventions and programming.

6. Recommendations/Conclusion: Make recommendations to resolve the health issue within the target population based on your review of current literature and what you have learned throughout the course.

7. Minimum of Five References: Use at least five resources, including at least two peer-reviewed articles. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT THIS ASSIGNMENT TO TURNITIN

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The HIV/AIDS Burden among the Black Americans
Institutional Affiliation
The HIV/AIDS Burden among Black Americans
It is approximated that 36.7 million people live with HIV/AIDS in the world today. Around 2.1 million of them are children who mostly contract the disease from their mothers at birth or during breastfeeding, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Moreover, an estimated 1.8 million new infections are reported every year. 30.5 million people have died from the epidemic since its start (HIV.gov, 2018). The epidemic does not only affect the infected individuals, but also their households and communities. Economic growth of countries is also hampered by the epidemic when the working population gets affected. Governments around the world also spend huge amounts on prevention and treatment measures. Regardless of the great strides that have been made in the scientific understanding of the disease, no cure or vaccine has yet been developed. However, more and more people are using antiretroviral therapy (ART). It is estimated that more than a million people are living with HIV/AIDS in the United States. Moreover, around 37,000 people are infected annually. 15% of them are unaware of their status (Avert, 2018). Stigmatization also remains a major hurdle in the reduction of infections and prevention of the disease. However, the number of deaths from the disease have greatly reduced since the early presentation of the disease. The Black Americans remain the most burdened populations in comparison to other ethnicities and races. The group accounts for approximately 44% of new infections (Avert, 2018). This paper seeks to explore the relationship between HIV/AIDS and the Black American community as well as the current strategies and interventions that are being aimed at preventing and reducing the HIV/AIDS burden in the Black American community.
The Black American Population
Black Americans, who are also known as African-Americans, refer to the ethnic group whose members have a total or partial African ancestry. They account for approximately 40 million Americans or 12.7% of the American population. This makes the population the third biggest racial group in the U.S. (United States Census Bureau, 2016). They are mostly concentrated in the southern parts of the U.S. as well as in urban areas. Various English dialects are the dominant languages, and most members of this population are Protestants. Though still behind the whites and Asians, the group has greatly advanced regarding educational attainment and employment. The civil rights era led to the great economic advancement of the community, especially the educated. The historically ingrained racial disparity has also narrowed over time, and tremendous growth in the middle class has been witnessed. However, poverty remains a major issue in this community. Poverty leads to higher rates of mental and physical problems, marital conflicts, lower access to education and health, as well as increased levels of crime. The increased rate of crime has led to increased numbers of incarcerated blacks. The rate of unemployment is also higher in this population. Divorce rates, as well as single-parent households, are common among the Black American population. Though still viewed negatively, same-sex marriage is receiving more support from the members of the population (Clement & Somashekhar, 2012).
HIV/AIDS in the U.S.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a syndrome that is brought about by a retrovirus called Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The disease weakens an individual’s immunity by attacking the CD-4 cells, making them vulnerable to infections and diseases that do not normally affect people with uncompromised immunity. HIV is transmitted through body fluids of an infected person. When not treated, HIV progresses to AIDS. Anti-retroviral therapy (ART) slows down the progression of the virus. Apart from lengthening the life expectancy of patients, ART also improves the quality of their lives. HIV/AIDS was detected in the U.S. from as early as the 1960s among gay men. Initially, the public associated the disease with homosexuality (Worobey et al., 2016). However, as more efforts got focused on understanding the disease, it was discovered that it could also be transmitted through heterosexual sex. More research led to the identification of the routes of transmission and the recommendation of measures to prevent contracting the disease. Various projects aimed at creating compassion for people with HIV, including the Red Ribbon Project as well as various celebrities going public about their status helped change the public perception regarding people with the disease (Avert, 2018). It is estimated that around 12 million people live with HIV in the country and 12% of them are unaware of their status (Avert, 2018). It is also estimated that the disease had resulted in 675,000 deaths by 2016 (CDC, 2016). However, the percentage of people dying from AIDS has drastically reduced due to improved treatments and prophylaxis against the opportunistic infections. The disease is more dominant among the Black Americans and Hispanics at 44% and 21% respectively. MSMs, as well as users of injected drugs, are also at a higher risk of contracting th...
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