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Systematic Review Delirium in the ICU

Essay Instructions:

A recent article, from the last 3 to 5 years, in a peer reviewed nursing journal that includes articles using a SYSTEMATIC REVIEW. Topic: Delirium in the ICU

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper analyzing key elements of the article, and discuss the article’s potential impact on clinical practice. APA format, not needed running head.

Systematic Reviews 

PLEASE include the questions in APA 


• Did the report clearly state the research problem and/or research questions? Is the scope of the project


• Is the topic of the review important for nursing?

• Were concepts, variables, or phenomena adequately defined?

• Was the integration approach adequately described, and was the approach appropriate?


• Did the report clearly describe criteria for selecting primary studies, and are those criteria reasonable?

• Were the bibliographic databases used by the reviewers identified, and are they appropriate and comprehensive?

Were key words identified, and are they exhaustive?

• Did the reviewers use adequate supplementary efforts to identify relevant studies?

• Was a PRISMA-type flow chart included to summarize the search strategy and results?


• Were inclusion and exclusion criteria clearly articulated, and were they defensible?

• Did the search strategy yield a strong and comprehensive sample of studies? Were strengths and

limitations of the sample identified?

• If an original report was lacking key information, did reviewers attempt to contact the original researchers

for additional information—or did the study have to be excluded?

• If studies were excluded for reasons other than insufficient information, did the reviewers provide a

rationale for the decision?


• Did the reviewers appraise the quality of the primary studies? Did they use a defensible and well-defined

set of criteria, or a respected quality appraisal scale?

• Did two or more people do the appraisals, and was inter-rater agreement reported?

• Was the appraisal information used in a well-defined and defensible manner in the selection of studies, or

in the analysis of results?


• Was adequate information extracted about methodologic and administrative aspects of the study? Was

adequate information about sample characteristics extracted?

• Was sufficient information extracted about study findings?

• Were steps taken to enhance the integrity of the dataset (e.g., were two or more people used to extract

and record information for analysis)?


• Did the reviewers explain their method of pooling and integrating the data?

• Was the analysis of data thorough and credible?

• Were tables, figures, and text used effectively to summarize findings?


• Did the reviewers draw reasonable conclusions about the quality, quantity, and consistency of evidence

relating to the research question?

• Were limitations of the review/synthesis noted?

• Were implications for nursing practice and further research clearly stated?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Systematic review Delirium in the ICU

Ahmed, S., Leurent, B., & Sampson, E. L. (2014). Risk factors for incident delirium among older people in acute hospital medical units: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Age and ageing, 43(3), 326-333.
The authors stated the research problem focusing on understanding the risk factors for incidences of delirium, Data synthesis through systematic reviews and Meta analysis were relied upon to identify the risk factors among older patents. The topic of delirium in the ICU and acute care settings is important to nurses since it goes under-recognized. Even though, screening is an important tool which helps to improve healthcare outcome, nurses do not always perform screening for delirium. Ahmed et al (2014), identified all the risk factors that could cause delirium after conducting a review of previous studies, as they adapted the range of risk factors depending on whether risk factors had been considered by previous studies. The approach was adequate as the researchers were able to pool information on the various delirium risk factors, synthesizing the broad range of data available to highlight on the most prevalent risk factors mentioned. According to Reade and Finfer (2014), patients in the ICU typically experience pain and distress resulting from interventions like endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. Even when under sedation, patients may not always be closely monitored all the time, meaning there is a high risk of delirium, and the management of pain determines the functional long-term health outcomes (Luetz et al., 2014) SEARCH STRATEGY
Ahmed et al (2014) mainly utilized the PubMed database relying on confusion and causality as the Medical Subject headings MeSH terms. Confusion was in turn related to delirium while causality represented the risk factors. This search strategy merely gave broad results, a further break down of the search strategy showed that narrowing down the search for the key words, delirium and risk factors (Ahmed et al., 2014). The same search strategy was employed in other databases in order to identify the most relevant publications (Ahmed et al., 2014). The authors did not rely on a flow chart, but narrowed down the articles by sing the exclusion criteria and identified 11 articles. In a previous study by (Hosie et al, 2012), the diagnostic criteria of delirium is essential to understating the suitability of a research in a systematic review.
It is noteworthy that the researchers only included publications from 1987 to August 2013, and this represented the time when delirium assessment tools were still being utilized (Ahmed et al., 2014). To further ensure that the studies identified were appropriate for the study, a specialist systematic reviewer helped to ensure that the studies included were appropriate. Furthermore, the inclusion data included, studies published in English, where study subjects were 55 years and over having been admitted in medical settings and acute medical settings (Ahmed et al., 2014). There were also two reviewers’ who checked the suitability of various studies. Even though, the study did not focus on intensive care units, the information was relevant to understand how risk factors increased the risk of delirium.
QUALITY APPRAISAL Since the study focused on systematic review and Meta analysis of previous literature, the researchers relied on published research studies (Ahmed et al., 2014). Nonetheless, the quality assessment showed that the researchers focused on minimizing errors and bias by using specialist reviewers who assessed the studies to be utilized. In any case, since the research question was stated explicitly, the literature search, inclusion criteria and critical appraisal of the studies ensured that the researchers ensured that there was quality...
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