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Sustaining Process Improvement: Important Requirements

Essay Instructions:

Review the five major requirements of sustaining process improvement achievements listed in the Studer (2014) article. Select the three requirements that you feel are most important within a healthcare setting and summarize them. Address the following questions:

Why are these three requirements the most important?

What are some examples of how they have been successfully utilized (provide examples from either your own professional experience or from academic articles)?

How do these three requirements translate to improvement in service quality and return on investment?

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that provides a rationale for your selections. Reference examples from your work experience and include at least two sources beyond the textbook. Note that the CSU-Global Library is a good resource. Format all references according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements.

Studer, Q. (2014). Making process improvement 'stick'. Healthcare Financial Management, 68(6), 90-96.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Sustaining Process Improvement
The increase in the need for quality-driven and value-based healthcare services has resulted in the need for efficient and effective work processes, an aspect that cannot be overstated. Given this, health organizations that run like a well-oiled machine not only turn successful in the delivery of high-quality care but are also driven by the high volumes of patients. Considering the fact that the health industry is undergoing continual changes, work processes, and staff performances have evolved in a bid to ensure that the quality and cost goals of organizations are met. This paper seeks to conduct a review of the major requirements of sustaining process improvements as established by Studer (2014).
Sustaining Process Improvement
As established by Studer (2014), health systems are currently investing in process improvements in a bid to curb costs and to help health institutions survive in a market environment that is heavily inhibited by the increasing demands and greater efficiency in the dispensation of care. The increase in the need for quality-driven and value-based healthcare services has resulted in the need for efficient and effective work processes, an aspect that cannot be overstated (Studer, 2014). To adequately sustain gains in process improvement initiatives, health organizations are obliged to:
1 Ensure measures are in place to educate the staff on the need for process improvement initiatives.
2 Encourage the leaders within the organization to embrace and champion process improvements and initiate their evaluations to its outcomes.
3 Ensure that the employees and the leaders within the organization are equipped in sustaining the sought-after process improvement (Studer, 2014).
In an effort aimed at educating the staff members on the need for process improvement, leaders within a health institution are required to stir the enthusiasm of their employees by communicating on the reasons why the organization is changing a process (Chassin, 2011). An instance of this is evident in an organization seeking to change its me...
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