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Homework #7: How a Surgical Procedure Such as this Would Lessen the Sense of Taste

Essay Instructions:


The first question asks you to voice your opinion or tap into your own experiences.

Our special senses do a wonderful job of keeping us aware of our environment in order that we can make both conscious and unconscious changes in order to maintain homeostasis. As efficient as these systems are, sometimes we need to “trick” them in order to achieve a desired outcome. Eyeglasses are a perfect example. Even though we have not made an actual anatomical change, altering the focus of the light within the eye enables us to see images more clearly.

The following article, though written as a parody, shows us an example of how potentially a person’s desire for weight loss can lead her to “trick” her body in order to control her eating. Please click the link below, read the article, then share your ideas about it based on your opinion or experience.


First, let’s start with a question based on your opinion:

1. This article illustrates how a surgical procedure such as this would lessen the sense of taste.  Doing so would decrease the pleasurable sensation of eating with the intended outcome of weight loss.  Let’s assume that this is possible:  Would this be a prudent choice?  If available, should procedures like this be performed?  In addition to this extreme example, there are many products that we use and things that we commonly do in order to alter our perception of our environment.  Can you think of any examples of this?

For the second part of this discussion, let’s apply what you have learned about the Sense Organs from your textbook and other research, being sure to properly cite your resources.

2. In the article featured in this week we have seen how we can intentionally “trick” our senses. On the other hand, there are times where our senses are “tricked” and what we perceive is not the reality of our environment. Examples of this are “car sickness” or “sea sickness”.  Please identify which senses are involved in motion-type sicknesses, how dysfunction of these systems may exist, and the physiological processes by which the brain misinterprets the perception of movement. Be sure to cite the appropriate anatomical structures involved in this condition in your discussion, and explain how their function is affected, when appropriate.

3. In addition to a multitude of disease processes, the aging process can affect the efficiency of our special senses. Using your text and other resources, please identify the effects of aging on two or more of our senses and share them with your peers. Be sure to explain both the anatomical and physiological components involved in the abnormal function of your chosen sense systems.

Reference: Wilcox, S. (2015). Woman Loses 140 Pounds After Taste Buds Surgically Removed. News Examiner.

NOW read the following questions and briefly describe your thoughts on the answer and how you come to that answer. This activity is intended to allow you to think about what you have learned and how you can apply it to problems or situations in the real world.

4. When nociceptors in your hand are stimulated, what sensation do you perceive?

5. When do you think a head cold interferes with our sense of taste?

6. What changes to our eye would allow us to see in the dark better?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
    HOMEWORK #7 Name Institution Date     1] This article illustrates how a surgical procedure such as this would lessen the sense of taste.  Doing so would decrease the pleasurable sensation of eating with the intended outcome of weight loss.  Let’s assume that this is possible:  Would this be a prudent choice?  If available, should procedures like this be performed?  In addition to this extreme example, there are many products that we use and things that we commonly do in order to alter our perception of our environment.  Can you think of any examples of this?  Even though, the article highlights that removing the taste buds is likely to influence weight loss as the person no longer has craving for unhealthy foods, this is an extreme measure.  When a person has low sense of taste they no longer distinguish the different foods (Wilcox, 2015). Such opinions should not be used since one is likely to use their senses in evaluating a situation. Cases of tricking the senses are common in the fast food industry, and people associate certain colors with different tastes as it s though people eat with their eyes first.  People notice the color of food products and this is associated with the perception of the quality and food flavor. 2] In the article featured in this week we have seen how we can intentionally “trick” our senses. On the other hand, there are times where our senses are “tricked” and what we perceive is not the reality of our environment. Examples of this are “car sickness” or “sea sickness”.  Please identify which senses are involved in motion-type sicknesses, how dysfunction of these systems may exist, and the physiological processes by which the brain misinterprets the perception of movement. Be sure to cite the appropriate anatomical structures involved in this condition in your discussion, and explain how their function is affected, when appropriate.  The senses involved in motion sicknesses are the sight (ears) and sight (eyes) senses as well as the sensory nerves that affect the body when moving. There is conflict of senses since the inner ear senses movement, while the eye does not see movement. The dysfunction occurs when one or more sense organs sense motion, but the body does not experience the same. One perception of the motion sickness is that there is dizziness and nausea occur when the sensations of the vestibular system fail to match that of the eyes and the body. 3] In addition to a multitude of...
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