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Legal Aspects of Delegation, Supervision and Assignment Acceptance

Essay Instructions:

In this paper you don't need to search resources, I will provide the resources. SO you will work on the resources following the instruction. 
The format has to be APA format and plagiarism has to be less than 20. 
I had a previous order written paper, which the order number is 00045584
and this new order is the continuation of that paper. So I will attached the previous written paper below, which used the same resources, so you can use it as needed. You can find the resource in the paper reference part. 
1. Potter, P. A., Perry, A. G., Stockert, P., & Hall, A. 2016. Fundamentals of Nursing. Amsterdam: Elsevier Health Sciences
2. Twigg, D. E, H Myers, C Duffield, J. D Pugh, L Gelder, and M Roche. 2016. “The impact of adding assistants in nursing to acute care hospital ward nurse staffing on adverse patient outcomes: An analysis of administrative health data.” International Journal of Nursing Studies (International Journal of Nursing Studies) 63, 189-200
Please please follow the instruction thoroughly.
If you need any information please let me know 

Required Uniform Assignment: Analyzing Published Research Purpose The purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and #8) CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence- based practice. (POs #4 and #8) DUE DATE Refer to the course calendar for due date information. The college’s Late Assignment policy applies to this activity. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 200 POINTS REQUIREMENTS The paper will include the following. 1. Clinical question a. Description of problem b. Significance of problem c. Purpose of paper 2. Description of findings a. Summarize basics in the Matrix Table as found in Assignment Documents in e-College. b. Describe i. Concepts ii. Methods used iii. Participants iv. Instruments including reliability and validity v. Answer to “Purpose” question vi. Identify next step for group 3. Conclusion of paper 4. Format a. Correct grammar and spelling b. Use of headings for each section NR449 Evidence Based Practice NR449 RUA Analyzing Published Research.docx Revised 07/25/2016 2 c. Use of APA format (sixth edition) d. Page length: three pages PREPARING THE PAPER 1. Please make sure you do not duplicate articles within your group. 2. Paper should include a title page and a reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Legal Aspects of Delegation, Supervision and Assignment Acceptance
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Clinical Question
Problem Statement
The realities of a healthcare system face many challenges to the registered nurses plasticising in different care units in delivering quality and safe care to the patients. Registered nurses shortages have at times prompted them to greatly rely on unlicensed lay people in handling some duties on their behalf. Despite the fact that they understand that they remain accountable for patient outcomes in any event arising from the handling by unlicensed persons, RN has been relying upon a regulatory supervision and delegation of duties to these lay personnel. Unlicensed personnel does not understand the communication terminologies used by the nurse's physicians and sometimes do not readily accept the duties because they would have challenges in interpreting patient notes. But since the nurses are their bosses, they partially accept the responsibility. This has then led to poor patient care and in some instances mishandling of patients leading to losing of life. Nurses have been handled according to law as liable to those outcomes.
Problem significance
Relying on regulatory supervision and delegation by nurses has led to poor patient care, mishandling, wrong treatment and loss of life by the patients who received medical prescriptions from the unlicensed personnel as delegated the duties by RN (Twigg, et al. 2016). Preventable medical errors which arise from among the wrong delegation of duties by the nurses account for the loss of life by about 400,000 people annually in the United States. It is the highest number of death cause after heart disease and cancer (Potter, et al. 2016). The wrong delegation of duties within healthcare units is, therefore, a serious problem that needs interventions.
Findings descriptions
Twigg, D. E, H Myers, C Duffield, J. D Pugh, L Gelder, and M Roche. 2016. “The impact of adding assistants in nursing to acute care hospital ward nurse staffing on adverse patient outcomes: An analysis of administrative health data.” International Journal of Nursing Studies (International Journal of Nursing Studies) 63, 189-200
Concepts Discussed
The article discussed in detail the issues of nursing and patient outcomes when the assistants are left alone in the ward without supervision from the RN. There was an increase in patient fall when the assistants were left alone unlike when they were working together with the RN. Improper delegation of duties and patient outcomes were also discussed in the article.
Methods Used
The author used Quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test control group design. Data was collected through the WA Data Linkage Unit from all the admissions done.
The sample consisted of 125762 pre-test period and 130540 post-test patients who spent time in rehabilitation, surgical or medical ward during their admission. Nursing assistants involved were 50 and 20 nurses.
Instrument Used
The researcher used WA Data Linkage Unit as a data collection instrument. At the end of the report, the author acknowledges the limitations of the instrument such as omitting of some data.
The findings of this article show that involvement of unsupervised assistants in the nursing care units leads to the increase in incidences of patient falls. The author concludes that involvement of assistants in nursing units should be done basing on a given protocol. The findings of the article therefore provide evidence to the answers sought by this paper as it shows that use of unsupervised nurses in the nursing care units leads to patient falls and that the only way to avoid this is by following a protocol while involving assistants in care units which is equivalent to observing utmost delegation of duties.
Winland-Brown, J. (2015). The new 'code of ethics for nurses. With interpretive statements'. Journal of Nursing world Organization , 40-52
Concepts discussed
The author discussed the process of assigning assignment to unregulated care providers and the delegation of assignment in detail. The author states that an assignment is appropriate if it is within the roles of the unlicensed pe...
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