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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Summary and Analysis of Nurse Manager Role Health, Medicine Essay

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following

1-Provide an overview of the role of the nurse manager.

2-Perceptions related to impact on health policy on decision. Perceptions related to impact of regulatory agencies on decision making. Perceptions related to impact of health care financing on decision making.

3-Analysis of the role of the nurse manager supported by the literature.


-Essay should be formatted per APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions).

- Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work. Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.

- Please include an additional page for abstract.

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Summary and Analysis of A Nurse Manager’s Role
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Summary and Analysis of A Nurse Manager’s Role
The nursing management role comes with numerous responsibilities. In particular, nurse managers coordinate the relationship between the human resource department, the management team, and regulatory agencies. For example, they identify the workload in a hospital and advice the human resource managers whether they should add more caregivers or train the existing ones to handle upcoming duties. Notably, some of the roles of nurse managers include mentoring, recruitment, motivating caregivers, planning, budgeting, maintaining high-quality standards of medical services, developing educational plans, and records management. Nursing regulatory agencies make decisions based on the information they receive from nurse managers. Besides, nurse managers ensure that hospitals comply with state or federal regulations. The paper focuses on the role of nurse managers and their perceptions related to the impact on financing, regulatory agencies, and health policies on decision making.
Nurse managers hold significant responsibilities in health institutions. The management roles in nursing require important skills that combine leadership and clinical expertise. Nurse managers are usually responsible for supervising caregivers in a clinical setting. These individuals ensure that patients are well-taken care of, coordinate meetings, make budgetary and management decisions, and oversee the provision of high-quality healthcare services. Nurse managers create a conducive and healthy working environment that contributes to proper patient engagement. Without these specialists in a health organization, it would be difficult to maintain a high standard of healthcare services since all patients’ needs cannot be met when no one is supervising caregivers. Nurse managers are critical to a health institution since they motivate, manage, supervise, and coordinate the provision of high-quality medical services.
Nurse managers hold two primary roles, namely administrative and clinical care duties. Some of their administrative tasks include providing patient-oriented care, human resources, adherence to federal and state regulations, and financial planning. When delivering care to patients, nurse managers support caregivers through mentoring them, motivating them, and addressing issues that might hinder the provision of quality healthcare services. Nurse managers make crucial decisions to ensure that patients are getting the best medical care and that they are recovering faster. The responsibilities of these health professionals rotate around staff management, budgeting, treatment planning, mentoring, recruitment, records management, discharge planning, developing educational plans, and scheduling (Doucette, 2017). In particular, for nurse managers to ensure high-quality healthcare services, they ought to understand the mission, core values, and vision of a health organization. They motivate caregivers to go an extra mile when taking care of their patients. The most significant role of nurse managers is to make sure that patients’ needs are fully addressed. Additionally, the nurse management role entails working in close collaboration with the human resource department during the recruitment, training, selection, hiring, career development, and firing. Although nurse managers do not control the behaviors of caregivers, they make sure that nurses act professionally.
Health policies refer to actions, plans, and decisions that hospitals implement to meet specific healthcare objectives. They are the blueprint for the achievement of set goals in a health organization. Without nurse managers, effective health policies cannot be implemented. As discussed earlier, nurse managers are the ones who are responsible for the administrative duties, staff management, budgeting, and planning. Specifically, proper planning and execution of administrative duties are the two vital roles that contribute to the success of implementing health policies (Duffield, Twigg, Roche, Williams, & Wise, 2019). For example, if a particular hospital wants to improve its healthcare services, it must motivate its caregivers by first ensuring that nurses have what it takes to give better patient outcomes. For this reason, nurse managers make sure that during the hiring process, only highly qualified caregivers are selected and that the recruitment is thorough. For the candidates who are hired, they are trained on how to take their duties well and warned about things that they should not do. In the long-term, a ...
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