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Analysis of Theoretical Framework for Leadership. Medicine Essay

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Analysis of Theoretical Framework for Leadership
Analysis of Theoretical Framework for Leadership
Gandhi is one of the earliest leaders who has guided leadership and leadership theories even in modern times, as indicated by Dhiman (2015). His leadership, style, traits, and qualities are something that modern leaders, including nurse leaders, seek to emulate from him, especially when it comes to vocational leadership because he put service to others before his interests.
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework presented in the book addresses leadership from an aspect of behavioral theories rather than trait theories, with the main focus being on the behaviors that made Gandhi an exemplary leader. It is centered around self-less service, self-discipline, and personal values as a guidance towards effective leadership.
Leadership Style
Gandhi adopted transformational and servant leadership styles. As a servant leader, Gandhi appreciated the importance of putting service to others before personal needs. According to Nongard (2014), transformational leadership involves being a role model to followers, motivating them and improving their morale by connecting with them by identifying what defines them. Gandhi was perfect at inspiring his followers because he led by example and connected with his followers. As noted by Dhiman (2015), Gandhi practiced what he believed in and preached to his followers.
Further, he connected with the poor people by thinking like them and remaining humble despite the power he possessed. One perfect example is how he was able to inspire and transform General Smuts, who was his opponent. Transformational leadership has also been adopted in the nursing practice as indicated by Vaismoradi, Griffiths, Turunen, and Jordan (2016), who reveal that the nursing practice can be further improved if nurses and nursing students are led by leaders who are ethical and inspirational. Further, through transformational leadership, nurse leaders can instill the type of patient care they want by leading their followers by example.
Leadership traits
One of the most evident leadership traits of Gandhi was that he empowered his followers. Dhiman (2015) indicates that Gandhi empowered the weak, and empathized with them. This is an important trait because empowering followers can ensure that they perform their task as required. Such a trait is essential when a leader is adopting the situational approach, which requires the leader to consider his followers, the task and the situation at hand (Taylor & Webster-Henderson, 2017). As such, the leader analyzes the strengths of his followers based on th...
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