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Subacute Infective Endocarditis and the Three Risk Factors Illnesses

Essay Instructions:


Mr. K.P. is a 71-year-old female, who presents to your office with a 3-day history of more than 103F with chills. The patient reports, "I don’t feel well, and I think that I may have the flu." He also complains of "some painful bumps on my fingers and toes that came on last night." He denies IVDA. When asked about recent medical or dental procedures, he responds: "I had an infected tooth removed about 2 weeks ago." He does not recall receiving any antibiotics either prior to or after the procedure.


Asthma since childhood

Rheumatic fever as a child x 2 with mitral valve replacement 2 years ago

HTN x 20 years

DM type 2, x 9 years

COPD x 4 years

H/O tobacco abuse

Alcoholic liver disease

Urinalysis: The urine was pale yellow, clear, and negative for proteinuria and hematuria. A urine toxicology screen was also negative.

ECG: Normal

Transthoracic ECHO: A 3-cm vegetation on the aortic valve was observed. No signs of ventricular hypertrophy or dilation were seen.

Blood Cultures: 3 of 3 sets (+) for Streptococcus viridans (collection times 1030 Tuesday, 1230 Tuesday, 1345 Tuesday)

Laboratory Blood Test Results

Na 135 meq/L

K 3.7 meq/L

Cl 100 meq/L

HCO3 22 meq/L

BUN 17 mg/dL

Cr 1.0 mg/dL

Glu, random 145 mg/dL

Hb 14.1 g/dL

Hct 40%

Plt 213,000/mm3

WBC 19,500/mm3

Neutros 80%

Bands 7%

Lymphs 12%

Monos 1%

Alb 4.0 g/dL

ESR 30 mm/hr

Ca 8.9 mg/dL


Which type of infective endocarditis is suggested by the patient's clinical manifestations—acute or subacute? Explain your answer.

Which three of the illnesses in this patient's medical history may be contributing to the onset of infective endocarditis and why are these diseases considered risk factors? Explain each of the factors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The type of infective endocarditis suffered by Mr. K.P and explanation.
Infective endocarditis (IE) is the inflammation or infection of the heart's internal lining, also known as the endocardium. It is usually caused by bacteria or germs that get in through the bloodstream. There are various types of IE; acute bacterial endocarditis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, and prosthetic valvular endocarditis (PVA) (Robin & Peter, 2019). Any disease that affects the structural aspect of the heart can play a role in the development of IE. Additionally, anything that alters the structural setup of the heart is also a contributor, such as pacemakers or artificial valves in the heart.
The kind of IE that the patient Mr. K.P is suffering from is the Subacute IE because its manifestations match the symptoms said by the patient. This kind of IE is silently dangerous, given the fact that it usually gets worse wit...
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