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Structure of a Successful Team and Essential Team Leadership Factors

Essay Instructions:

I work at Chesapeake Regional Hospital. This is the website for the hospital that I work for. https://chesapeakeregional(dot)com/

Review the Harvard Business School reprint, Leading Teams. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured for success.

Create a plan (750-1,000 words) describing the steps necessary to create more successful teams at various levels within your organization. Include the following in the plan:

Define the characteristics and structure of successful teams within your organization. How are independent teams vital to the success of your organization?

What are important factors to consider when leading teams within the various levels of the organization?

What factors are important to consider when leading teams at the executive level?

What aspects are essential in identifying appropriate members for teams and ensuring the teams are successfully launched?

What factors are important to ongoing team dynamics? Describe guidelines to evaluate the function and productivity of teams.

Compassion is a significant attribute of many religions and philosophies, including a Christian worldview, as well as being important for both authentic and servant leadership. As a leader, how would you empower your teams through compassion to honor diversity and support equality for all members as they work toward a common goal?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Structure of a Successful Team
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The Structure of a Successful Team
Creation and sustenance of an effective team are the most important attributes of successful running of any organization. It is far more important in the medical world where data assimilation and analysis, as well as interpretation of findings, is the normal procedure. Also, decisions in emergencies must quickly be made. Nevertheless, team leadership training is often forsaken. This paper lays out the criteria and factors necessary for a successful team in a medical setting.
Characteristics of Successful Teams
Certain elements must be taken into consideration if a team is to be successful. To ensure accountability, individual assessment and evaluation of the team members are important. Interdependence, however, should not be overlooked. The team members must realize the importance of working together towards the achievement of common goals. Of importance too is the identification of strengths as well as any areas that require improvement. Further, interaction through the right methods of communication will enable the collective decision-making of the team and instilling a sense of belonging and responsibility in providing positive results. Besides listening to each other, the members should share information systematically and thoughtfully.
Essential Team Leadership Factors in Various Organization Levels
Team leaders are often torn between making decisions solely and overseeing their implementation and allowing a certain level of independence for every member of the group. Interference, however, breeds mistrust and dents the morale of the team. Thus, a team leader should trust and support the members of the team in fulfilling their responsibilities in order to enable growth. Dissatisfaction among the members should, also, be addressed as soon as possible.
It should be noted that a disgruntled employee can negatively affect not only the performance of the individual in question but also the productivity of the whole team. Of importance is ensuring that the members of the group know they are and learn how to combine their capabilities in working together (Hackman & Hackman, 2002).
Additionally, the team leader should ensure that there are specific goals for the team which are challenging but realistic. In this, the leader should identify the potential and capabilities of each member of the team and delegate duties accordingly. This does not mean that the members should not work together in performing their duties. The structure should allow the sharing of goals and ideas as well as the realization that it is all right to make mistakes. In the end, the team will not be afraid to take risks, which in turn will result in more productivity courtesy of stretching the limits.
Important Factors for Executive Level Team Leadership
Besides the normal clinical duties, medical practitioners have been given executive responsibilities. They are now in charge of carrying out the mandates of the government, managing budgets, and practices as well as ensuring regulations are adhered to. To ensure success in their roles, medical executives must consider certain factors. They include the improvement of communication and decision-making skills. It is important to take into account the fact that innovation and creativity will greatly contribute to the success of bo...
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