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Social Media Campaign: Obesity on Older Adults

Essay Instructions:

I am uploading writing instruction and rubric. please follow the instruction. Your work starts from part 2, social media campaign. I want you to write about obesity on older adults in Fairfax Virginia. you will start your writing with diagnostic statement. I am attaching sample paper that I found on the internet. you can refer it, but do not use it. part one is a portion that I will do it. My state is Fairfax VA. Please adhere to the instruction. Thank you!

Part of cultural competency is advocating for sensitive patient populations regarding health issues or needed improvements in the community. A big part of advocacy is uncovering effective stories discovered in your community assessment. Equally important is understanding how to broadcast your discoveries to the larger community. In today's society, social media is a powerful leveraging tool to share a story, build support, and demonstrate advocacy.

 In this task, you will be submitting your completed “Community Health Field Experience Time Log”found in the Web Links section. The activities you complete in your community should relate to your field experience topic and focus on primary prevention of the health concern or risk. In addition, you will discuss a social media marketing campaign and implementation plan to convey a health message to the chosen target population.

 Note: Your assessment will not be evaluated unless both Parts 1 and 2 of this task are submitted.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission more than a 10% match to anyone individual source can be directly quoted or closelyparaphrased from

sources, eVen if cited correctly. The similarity report that is provided when you submit your task can be as a guide.

You must use the rubric and task directions to direct the creation of your submission because each provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploadedandsubmitted as attachments(e.g., .docx, .pdf;.ppt) 

Part 1: Field Experience Project Submission

  1. Submit a completed “Community Health Field Experience Time Log”from the Web Links section by following the guidelines outlined on the attached “C229 Field Experience Activities List” and doing the following:

Note: Your time log must be submitted with your written assessment. lLboth are not submitted at the some time, your task will be returned to you without e oluation.

  1. Include the date of each activity (mm/dd/yy).
    1. Include a unique description of what was accomplished during the time spent for each appropriate primary prevention activity.
    2. Include the following information for your contact person and site:
  • name of the licensed registered nurse (RN; your contact person)
  • the RN's title or affiliation with the facility
  • the RN's license number
  • a working phone number or email address for the RN
  • the facility name
  • a full physical address for the facility.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Social Media Campaign
Author’s Name:
Institution of Affiliation:
Course Name:
Instructor’s Name:
Social Media Campaign
Part Two
B. Health Nursing Diagnostic Statement
Over the years, there has been an increase in obese cases of older adults in Fairfax, VA. For example, 29.2% of adults are obese, while 34.2% are overweight. On the other hand, 11% of the youth aged between 14 and 19 years are obese, while 16% are overweight. Even though the following transformation could result from varying factors, one of the leading factors leading to this result is most people's lifestyle; their income level influences that. For instance, most poor people from different ethnic groups are not eating a healthy diet. Furthermore, in most instances, these individuals do not set a working plan since they cannot afford to pay for professional sports activities. Furthermore, after these individuals fall sick, they cannot successfully book a quality treatment, which makes them suffer from the negative impact of obesity. There have been instances where they are discriminated against in healthcare institutions since they cannot afford healthcare services when they have obesity-related cases. Since one affected region is Fairfax, VA, County, it is important to check how the following group is involved.
B.1. Health Inequity or Disparity
In most instances, there has been a common myth regarding the measures that individuals can take to know whether they are obese or not. For example, some people believe that all individuals who have large bodies are obese, while all those who have lean bodies are obese. Even though there are some instances in which this information is true to some degree, there are instances where it can be misleading. Individuals should therefore check obesity by checking the individual's body mass index (B.M.I.). For example, if your B.M.I. exceeds 30.0, you usually fall within the obesity range (Caballero, 2019). Obesity has been one of the major conditions affecting people residing U.S.A. The main reason is that these individuals cannot successfully live a healthy life which could reduce the risk of obesity. For instance, the research shows that children at the bottom income interquartile are at three times the risk of obesity than the ones in the upper interquartile before they attain 11 years (Povertyhealthsfghc, 2020). If appropriate measures are not applied, the following individuals could continue to suffer.
B.1.a. Community and Primary Prevention Resources
Since obesity can cause other health conditions among poor people, it is critical to look for measures that can help to manage it. One of the ways how these individuals can manage obesity is by ensuring that these individuals eat healthy food at an affordable price. The main reason is the following group has been failing to eat healthily because they cannot afford it. Therefore, the government should put a food bank where it will set centers where individuals will donate healthy food. The government should then collaborate with other private institutions to distribute this food to needy people.
On the other hand, these individuals should increase physical activities among these groups. Since these individuals do not know the activities they can engage in, the government should help them show them various activities they can engage in. This process will help them to maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, the government should also embrace measures to give job opportunities to these individuals. Furthermore, since these individuals are being discriminated against in some healthcare institutions due to their financial capability, the government should employ measures to protect them. The main reason is that these individuals are obese since they are poor; giving them job opportunities will help reduce obesity.
B.1.b. Underlying Cause of Obesity
Even though obesity has affected many peoples, only a few know the causes of the following condition. Understanding these causes will play a huge role in helping individuals know measures they can apply to manage them. One main cause of obesity has wrong eating patterns. The main reason is that most poor people are not sensitive about the food they eat since they are more sensitive to the price than how the diet will be. Furthermore, individuals have this condition because of less physical activity. The main reason is that these individuals are less exposed to the exercises they can conduct. Furthermore, there are other instances where the individual’s stress levels affect whether they will be obese. It has been recorded that most poor people have higher stress levels than those with higher income levels. This instance increases their risk of suffering from obesity.
B.2. Evidence-Based Standards of the Health Risk
Since obesity has been a main health concern, there have been varying research regarding this issue. For instance, the research shows that two-thirds of adults in the U.S.A. are overweight or obese. The research shows that obesity cases have been higher among poor than rich people. In addition to affecting the individual’s ability to enjoy quality life, it also increases the risk of other health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, and strokes. Individuals should therefore employ measures to control the following health condition. One of the common measures the government can employ includes providing affordable healthy foods, ensuring that these individuals exercise regularly, and providing the right healthcare when needed.
B.3. Identification of Data
Like other areas in the country, obesity and overweight have been major health conditions in older adults in Fairfax, VA. One of the major causes of obesity in the region is poverty. For instance, approximately 60,000 individuals are not food secure (Revere, 2022). This has been one of the main reasons there is a high rate of obesity in this city. Furthermore, approximately 90,000 people do not have health insurance. They will therefore lack quality health treatment whenever they have obesity-related cases. The high cases of obesity have been one of the leading factors of varying health conditions such as Type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, sleep apnea, and some cancers. Government should therefore employ extraordinary measures to contain this condition. One of the common practices that the government can employ is to ensure that these individuals will have a healthy diet. The government can improve it by ensuring that it boosts the accessibility and affordability of healthy food. For instance, they can set up food banks where poor people will get healthy food at no cost. The government can also employ measures to boost the number of environments that usually promote healthy educational resources and food choices. Moreover, the government should create campaigns to create awareness of the importance of physical activities in helping individuals manage their weight.
C. 1. Social Media Marketing Campaign Objective
Over the years, various platforms of social media to market their idea. The main objective of using social media marketing campaign is to create awareness in Fairfax, VA County. The campaign aims to reduce obesity cases by 3% within one year.
C. 2. Social Media Marketing Platforms
Even though different social media interventions can be used in the marketing campaign, it is usually critical to choose the social media platforms that will be applied. This process helps to increase the focus since the individual can employ a few platforms. Furthermore, it will reduce the cost that could be incurred since the process will help to concentrate all the customers in one area. Even though I was in a dilemma on which social media platforms to use, I would advocate for TikTok and Facebook social media platforms during my marketing campaign since they will revolve perfectly around our target audience.
C.3. Social Media Marketing Interventions
One benefit of using Facebook is that it has many users since it has existed for a long time. This process will help to attract traffic, thereby attracting a huge crowd at once. Another benefit of using Facebook is its customizable ads that meet the audience's specifications (Eliisa L., 2021). For instance, since a large audience on Facebook is older, it is easier to customize the content that most of this audience would easily relate to. Another benefit of advertising using this platform is that it is budget-friendly, which could reduce the overall cost incurred in conducting the following campaign.
On the other hand, one reason for using TikTok is that it is a new platform everyone embraces. This process will therefore supplement Facebook. Moreover, since TikTok comprises short videos, it is easier for a person to come across the following videos easily. Furthermore, similar to Facebook, TikTok is also cost-friendly. The individuals will therefore incur less cost using the finances that it saves in investing in other activities. Furthermore, since TikTok comprises short videos, pu...
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