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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Social Media and Technology in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Dear Writer,

Please follow teacher's instructions and rubric. I have to check this assignment through SafeAssign, please cite all references using APA style including links. As indicated in the assignment requirements please use nursing document from the CNO, RNAO or CNA to support answer. Professor is very strict about this.

Please do your best, as this professor is very hard on marking.

Thank you so much.

Social Media / Technology Small Assignment

COURSE NAME: Leadership and Advanced Communication

The purpose of the assignment is for learners to address the risks and obligations in relation to an issue involving social media / technology and the role and best practices of the professional nurse. Learners will be asked to address issues such as confidentiality, privacy, security, authenticity and oversharing as appropriate for the assigned Issue – Nursing Scenario.

Assignment Requirements

• A title page indicating the learner’s name and date submitted (this is not part of the required two (2) pages)

• A reference page as per APA formatting (this is not part of the required two (2) pages)

• Length is two (2) pages double spaced with a one (1) inch margin on all sides of the paper

• The assignment MUST be submitted as one document in either WORD or PDF format

• Short form expression is permitted as is the use of bullets to answer the questions. Please note that the form of writing expression the learner selects must be understandable to the reader. There are 2 points on the rubric for Writing Conventions which applies to the entire assignment.

• Learners must refer directly to a minimum of one (1) relevant nursing document from the College of Nurses (CNO), Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) or the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) to support their answer. Scholarly journal articles may also be used.

• Review plagiarism guidelines. Plagiarized assignments will receive a grade of zero (0). Cite ALL references using proper APA format.

NOTE: For the Issue – Nursing Scenario assigned for this semester, please scroll to the next page of this document. If another scenario is used, the submission will not be accepted and graded, resulting in a Grade of ‘0’ for the assignment.


Learners are asked to respond to the Issue – Nursing Scenario provided below and submit a two-page response to the following questions:

• Identify one (1) professional practice concern raised in this social media / technology issue.

• What two (2) risks does this issue raise for a professional nurse?

• What best practices would you put into place to minimize the risks of this situation in the future?

• Use one (1) relevant nursing document from the College of Nurses (CNO), Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), Ontario Nurses’ Association or other credible nursing association to support your answer. Scholarly journal articles may also be used.

Semester Issue – Nursing Scenario for Social Media / Technology Small Assignment

This is the ONLY scenario to be used for this semester. If another scenario is used, the submission will not be accepted and graded, resulting in a Grade of ‘0’ for the assignment.

Issue – Nursing Scenario

An anonymous person sent an email with an attachment to all of the nursing staff working on an obstetrical unit. The attachment was a picture taken from behind the person walking in the hospital hallway, wearing a hospital gown with the back open showing their bare flesh. It is easy to identify the unit and the patient.

Some of the nurses thought the picture was funny, others voiced concerns. When the nurses could not find out who sent the picture, they forwarded the email to others in the hospital asking who had taken the picture.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Social Media and Technology in Healthcare
Students’ Name:
University Affiliation:
Date of Submission:
Social Media and Technology in Healthcare
According to the Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship article, nurses are banned from sharing patient’s information, photographs, and verbal gossip’ without the patients’ written consent. The College of Nursing of Ontario, CNO (2006), the nursing profession important niche, is the nurse-client relationship. The nurse is required to establish and maintain an excellent relationship using their nursing knowledge and skills. The nursing scenario depicts violations of nursing standards highlighted in an article by the CNO. The therapeutic clinical services noted in the report promote quality healthcare services and client experiences. In the given scenario, the nurses violated the patients’ privacy by inappropriately sharing patient photographs to other people within the institution.
In the scenario, the nurses forwarded the clients’ photographs through email, thus violating the medical field’s privacy and confidentiality regulations. The photo contained identification information, which, when shared, translated to the patient privacy breach, disregarding their boundaries and confidentiality. Singh et al. (2016) explain that nurses should respect all clients’ information irrespective of their social status, health conditions, and personal attributes. They have to refrain from any form of self-disclosure, such as the case in the scenario. Finding private information, funny or amusing, does not conform to the recommended standards of nursing. Instead of sharing, the nurses should have used the visible identification code on the photo to address the patient. The patient needed time to explain if the photograph was taken intentionally or otherwise during the process. The procedure should be done with caution to avoid breaching the verbal and non-verbal cues in patient-centered care.
The issue raised in the scenario poses a significant risk for a professional nu...
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